Chapter 10 • Under Arrest

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It's been a long day. I know in time getting the twins ready for bed will get easier when Harry and I finally get in the swing of the whole parenting thing, but it's a bit overwhelming right now, and it's just with one baby at home. There's a lot to mentally check off. I'm constantly worrying if I'm doing the right things for my babies and if I'm a good mum to them.

I've become obsessed with knowing if Eli and Ev are eating enough, if their digestive systems are working properly, if I'm changing their nappies too often, if they feel loved enough, and now I'm even more worried about scheduling their eye exams and what will come of that. It's all so overwhelming and even more so since Everette isn't home yet.

After nursing Eli to sleep, I've enjoyed a nice hot shower and I'm dressed in my pyjamas and more than ready to practically collapse into bed. With my teeth brushed and scar cream applied, I turn out the light and make my way into our bedroom. The soft glow of the bedside lamp helps me see the path over to my side of the bed. Yawning, I take my hair tie out of my hair and as I sit on the edge of the bed, I notice the bassinet is gone.

"What the hell? Harry, where's Eli? Wait. Where are you? Harry! Where's my baby?" I start to panic, standing up from the bed and the bedroom door opens.

Harry steps inside with the help of his white cane and he quietly shuts the door behind him. He's dressed in his pyjamas and inclines his ear trying to figure out where I am in the room.

"Is everything alright, love? I could hear you shouting from the hallway."

"No, everything is not alright. Where's Eli? I left him with you so that makes you the last person he was with before I took a shower so where is he?"

He grins, "We have a babysitter for the night."

"Huh? What are you talking about? This isn't a game, Harry," I warn, walking over to him with my finger pointed at him as if he can see. "Where is he?"

"Calm down, love. He's fine. He's with Mum."

"So he's still here in the house?"

"Yes. While you were in the shower, Mum and I were talking and she mentioned how exhausted you and I seemed at dinner and she said that it would do us both some good if we got a solid night's rest without the disruption of a newborn waking us up every two hours."

"That's true and sounds amazing, but we're his parents. I need to be next to him while he sleeps. I need to make sure he's okay a-and breathing properly or God forbid what if he has a nightmare? I need to be there for him to comfort him and make sure he's okay. Or what if he's hungry or gets sad and misses his brother or his mummy. Or-"

"Joy," he sighs my full name, placing his hands on my waist, "he'll be okay. You said you pumped enough milk for the night, remember? Plus Mum has had two babies of her own, mind you. She's a pro. Look how good Gem and I turned out," he grins proudly, cocking his head up and I breathe out a sigh.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right, plus this gives us some real time alone to spice things up. And proper time. Not just a quickie in the bathroom. Even though I wouldn't complain if that's all we had time for, but this will be nice."

"Spice? I'm too tired to cook. Oh, wait. Oh, I get what you're saying. So we can spice things up. Hmm. Alright. Now we're on the same page. Speaking of that, where's the bag full of spices from the special store to see what we can concoct?"

He grins at my pun, "I set it on the floor right beside our door after dinner. I had to act fast since Mum was waiting for me. Is it still there?"

I look past his shoulder, "Yes. Shall I get it and we can get more comfortable on the bed?"

"Hm, that sounds like a good idea," he says, sliding his hands up my arms until they land on my cheeks.

He leans and and I close my eyes, tilting my head up so our lips can meet. As our kiss deepens, our arms wrap around each other and we hold each other so close that I can feel how hard my sensitive nipples feel against his chest even through my thick nursing bra. Harry hums which vibrates my lips and he leans back, gripping my waist a little tighter.

I hum in response, opening my eyes and reach up to cup his cheeks. I can see his eyes through the dark lenses of his sunnies and I stop at the frames to wait for his response. He nods gently, giving me permission and I carefully take his sunnies off.

"My husband is so handsome. I love you so much."

He smiles softly, "My wife is so beautiful and I love you so much. Just give me a minute to get ready for bed. I'll be right back."

"Of course, baby. I'll open the items and get them ready."

He growls, "Make that a half a minute."

"To get ready for bed, right? Not the actual deed?"

"Oh hell no. I'm tired but not that tired," he pats my hip and turns to walk toward the bathroom.

While he gets ready, I grab the bag of our goodies and make myself comfortable on the edge of the bed. I turn the bag upside down and watch the colorful items fall onto the bed and the familiar excitement fills my stomach.

I grab the tube of lube from the drawer in my nightstand and lounge on the bed in an alluring way. Even though he can't see me, it makes me feel attractive and when I feel sexy, he senses it. The bathroom door opens and he steps out wearing only his boxer briefs. The slight bulge makes me bite my lip and I sit up on my hip.

"Hey there," I say in a sultry tone.

He breathes out a laugh, "Hey, baby. Are you on the bed?"

"Mhm. Care to join me?"

"Love to."

While I watch him fold his white cane, I take my hand through my hair and scoot closer to his side. He turns to face me and I place my hand on his shoulder so he gets his bearings. He uses my arm as a guide and slides his hand up to the side of my neck and I lean in halfway to meet him. Our noses brush together, making us smile and I close my eyes as our lips meet in a slow kiss.


A/N: okay I have been so stressed and anxious with work and life shit that I just can't finish this chapter. I've been adding sentences at a time since before Christmas. I'm sorry. Can you use your imagination of Harry and JJ to use their new spicy toys??? I'll be working on the next chapter. Good news is I'm quitting on Thursday and starting my new job next Wednesday so there's hope but it's still shit.

Much Love.

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