Chapter 6 • Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacey

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Five times. Five bloody times. Eli woke us up five times during the night, in the middle of the night and in the wee hours of the morning. I used to pull all-nighters at university with hardly any caffeinated beverages to keep me going but approaching my thirties and having a newborn, delicate premature at that, is harder than cramming all night for projects and exams combined. Times a thousand.

But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Harry got up with me every time to change and help feed Eli, and Maggie was curious as to why her new best friend kept waking her up. In our exhausted states, it was rather difficult but we got through it. Judging from the last time we were up until now, I've calculated that we got two whole uninterrupted hours of sleep. I'm going to need several naps throughout the day and the whole pot of coffee, forget a blasted cup.

Staring at the fogged mirror thanks to my hot shower, I untuck the towel around me and hang it on the door hook. I grab the small tube of my scar cream and dab it on my C-section scar. While I'm proud because of the reason for it, I still want my scar to heal.

Once I secure the cap on the tube, I put it in the vanity drawer and I put on my bathrobe and loosely tie it closed. As I comb out my wet hair, my robe's soft pink material and adorable daisies bring back the memory of Harry and I dating and me staying over at his place for the first time. Somehow it feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time. I had no clue that Harry and I would be happily married and have a family of our own, but I'll be grateful for the rest of my life.

I sigh out a breath and turn out the light, simultaneously opening the door. The cooler air in our bedroom instantly creates goosebumps all over my body now that I'm not in the steamed up loo and I stop in my tracks.

The beautiful sight of my husband holding our baby in the rocking chair brings a wave of emotions over me and I tear up. He looks as one would expect to look pre-shower after such a rough night with a newborn, but it makes me smile. His hair is all over the place, and even though his sunnies are on, I know he's asleep because his jaw is slacked open and he's lightly snoring.

He looks both pathetic and the sexiest I've ever seen him because he's my husband and the father of my babies, but it's also a pitiful sight. Smiling fondly, I brush off a tear that's rolling down my cheek thanks to my hormones that haven't seemed to let up at all and I walk over to them.

"Hey, love," I whisper, soothing his shoulder and he inhales a startled snore. "It's okay. It's just me. Lemme take him so you can get ready."

Harry nods and I gently take Eli with the blanket and cradle him in my arms. "Have you showered already?"

"Mhm. You didn't smell my body wash?"

"Hmm. Guess m'tired. But I do now."

"I know, love. I'm exhausted, too. I hope we'll be able to take at least one nap after we get home from visiting Ev."

He hums through a yawn as I carefully sit down, holding my baby close to me. I watch Harry as he feels around our dresser and takes a clean pair of boxers from his drawer. He closes it and I rest my head back against the chair and watch him feel his way to the loo door and he lets out a toot before closing the door.

I purse my lips together to keep myself from laughing so I don't embarrass him and I look down at Eli. The binkie that's still a tad too big for his little face isn't moving and as I begin to gently rock him, he starts sucking on his binkie. Thanks to three horrifying blowout nappies last night, he's dressed in his third pair of sleeper onesies and my head starts to hurt thinking how much laundry I'm going to have to do when we get back home today, and for the rest of my life, times two.

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