Chapter 5 • Perfect Timing

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"And what is this brill idea you've come up with so that we can have sex?" JJ quietly asks and I can tell she's grinning.

I have to use whatever little amount of blood is left in my brain to think fast, "We can go on the couch and we can leave the bedroom door open so we'll still be able to hear him if he cries."

"Harry, we are not having sex on your mum's couch. Nice try, but there's no way in hell that's happening."

"Alright, uhm . . . we can move the bassinet right outside the door-"

"I'm not kicking our son out of the bedroom so we can have sex, Harry. Got anymore brill ideas?" she mockingly asks.

"Hold on, lemme think. Okay. What if we put the bassinet in our loo, that way we won't be like we're kicking him out, but we'll still have privacy?"

She hums in thought, "I suppose that could wo-"

"Splendid," I cut her off so she won't have time to think of all that could go wrong with this idea. "I'll push it if you guide."

"Oh God, I must be horny."

"Yeah? How so?"

"Because I thought what you just said sounded dirty."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Mrs. Styles," I jokingly admonish. "On second thought . . . stay there. I'll join you. It could be more fun."

"Oh stop," she says, playfully tapping my shoulder. "C'mon, before he wakes up for his first of several feedings."

"Yes, ma'am," I hurriedly shove the covers off my legs, making her giggle. "Shh. Don't wake him."

She makes a squeaky sound as if she's offended and I get out of bed, simultaneously taking off my pyjama top. I know I'm sporting a damn tent in my pyjama bottoms and I would be embarrassed for JJ to see it, but maybe it'll turn her on even more.

"Harry. Harry," she whisper-yells.


"I can't do this."

"Why not?"

"It'll wake him."

"I'll be quiet, I promise."

"No, not that. I meant I can't move him. It's too big and heavy."

"You haven't complained about my dick being too big and heavy before," I grin at my words and she chides my name.

"Wait. When did you take your shirt off?"

"Just now," I smirk, flexing in the direction of her voice.

"Fuck. Come with me," she takes my hand and starts guiding me.

"That's what I'm trying to do," I smirk at my pun and she pulls me into what I assume is our loo.

"Fancy a quick shag in the loo?"

"I guessed correctly then."

"Guessed what? Ugh, never mind. I don't care," she huffs, positioning me with my back against the wall. Her hands smooth all over my naked chest and stomach and she growls. "You're so sexy, Harry. I love your tattoos. I love your belly button. Your nipples; all four of them. I love your chest hair. Fuck, I want you."

Her warm minty breath fans over my face and her mouth attacks mine in the most glorious way. She presses her body against mine and she fits her arm between us. As she begins palming me through my pyjama bottoms, I groan at the exquisite pressure that I haven't felt in so long.

She nibbles on my bottom lip before kissing her way down my neck while still stroking my semi-hard dick. I card my hand through her hair, landing on the back of her neck in hopes she'll catch my hint and she pulls away from our kiss.

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