Chapter 9 • Free Pass

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"Alright, the door's open. In you go, love. It looks like the path is clear," JJ says.

"Thanks," I nod with a smile in her direction, using my white cane to guide me inside the house. "We're home, Mum."

"Shh shh shh, I just got him to sleep a few minutes ago," Mum says in a hushed tone.

"Did he give you much trouble?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Oh no, he was no trouble at all. I think he was just testing his lung capacity and trying out his vocal chords. I must say they work quite well," Mum says, making me grin.

"I want to check on my baby. Where is he?" JJ asks, scooting past me.

"In the bassinet in the living room and remember to not wake him. You never want to wake a sleeping baby," Mum kindly says and I notice the sound of JJ's rushed footsteps walking away.

"She's going to be one of those mums who worry constantly, isn't she?"

"Better to have a worrisome mum than one who doesn't care at all, wouldn't you say?" she reasons and I hum in answer. "So, did you two have a nice time out together?"

"We did, but then again, spending any time with my wife is nice."

"Aw, that's lovely. You're definitely a hopeless romantic, my sweet boy."

"I'm nearing my thirties and I'm a sweet boy?"

"I've got news for you Harry, no matter how old you and Gemma get, you two will always be my sweet boy and angel baby girl," she says and I groan, shaking my head with a smile.

"Fine. I give up."

"Good. That's how we learn," she quietly laughs. "And how is my other little grandson doing? You told little Everette his Gramma Anne said hello and that she loves him, didn't you?"

"Uhm, y-yes, in so many words, but he's good, good, he's good. He's a tough little lad. I got to rock him and talk to him. It was like it was just me and my boy in the NICU. I could actually feel he's gotten stronger from yesterday. Does that sound silly?"

"It's not silly at all, darling. There's nothing stronger or better in the world than a parent's bond with their child. I know it's only been one day but did they give any update on when he can come home?"

"Uhm, yeah, sort of. The nurses were optimistic about him coming home in a little while," I explain, shrugging off my coat.

"I'll hang that up for you."

"Thanks, Mum."

"My pleasure. So what does 'a little while' mean?"

"I don't know but a little while is good. Right? It's better than a long while. M'sure they wouldn't give us such hope if he wasn't doing well enough to come home. Right?"

"I'm not a doctor but I think it sounds like good news. Oh here, I'll take the food bags from you. Are you and JJ hungry?"

"M'starving, actually and I'm sure JJ is ready to eat, too. It smelled really good in the car."

"Then let's eat. Grab onto an elbow and let's go into the dining room," she says and I reach out, feeling her elbow and she starts guiding me. "What's this other bag? . . . Oh my . . ."

"What's the matter?"

"I think this one is a tad on the personal side."

My entire face warms from embarrassment and I clear my throat, "Oh shit, m'sorry, Mum. For Christ's sake, how embarrassing. Uhm, I-I'll take it. I-I completely forgot about that bag. M'sorry again."

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