Chapter 12 • Endless Adventure

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I can't remember the last time I slept so soundly the entire night through, not even to get up for a wee. After two rather spicy sessions with Harry last night, I felt satisfied and completely relaxed that I literally slept like a rock. Because Anne took care of Eli all night, Harry and I got the rest, and quality alone time, we desperately needed.

Since I woke up feeling well-rested and grateful for my mother-in-law helping us, I was able to get dressed for the day before everyone else and cook breakfast. I'll never be able to repay Anne for helping us with the baby and even more so when Ev is finally able to come home, but hopefully she'll feel appreciated with my gesture.

The alarm on my phone chimes to remind me and I turn it off before taking the pan off the burner. As I turn the stove off, the sound of our bedroom door opens, capturing my attention.

"Good morning, everyone," Harry says and I watch him shut the door to our bedroom behind him. He's already showered and dressed for the day, so I know he's excited to go visit Ev also. And I'm even more excited for what I have planned for him today.

"It's just me in here for now, but good morning to you just the same, love," I reply, turning my attention back to the food.

"Ah. Well I didn't want to leave anyone out just in case. Where's Mum and Eli?"

"Upstairs still. I checked on them before I started cooking. I fed and changed Eli but she's getting him dressed for me while I make breakfast."

"Yeah? Did Mum say how he did last night? To be honest, I didn't even hear him cry."

"I know. I was out cold as well. She said he did really well through the night."

The taps of his white cane hitting the linoleum lets me know he's walking over to me. "That's my eldest boy; a solid sleeper."

"Mm, yes he is a good sleeper for a newborn, that is. I'm grateful for that. All those articles I've read gave nightmare stories of babies who won't sleep at all so I'm relieved to say the least." Harry sharply inhales and hums as if to cover it up, earning my attention and I notice he's walking funny. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm," he hums with a smile, stopping a short distance from me. "Something smells incredible."

Realizing his wincing in pain might have something to do with the residual effect of our spicy activity last night, I decide to go along with him and not mention it. "Thanks, I showered."

He snickers at my joke, "Ah yes, I can smell your body wash now, but I was referring to the food this time."

"Were you now?" I hum, placing my hand in his and I step closer to him and he nods. My hands reach around his waist to clasp behind his back and his hands soothe my shoulders. "The aroma you're referring to would be the sausage, eggs, beans and toast that I made."

"You made all that by yourself?"

"It wasn't any trouble. Now, would you mind getting your mum and our son so we can eat? Everything's ready."

"On one condition."

"What's that?" I bite my lip, eyeing his delicious looking lips in anticipation of a kiss.

"If you give me a sausage link first."

"Ugh," I tap his chest, pretending to push him away. "You've got to be shitting me. You'd rather have a damn sausage link instead of a kiss from your wife?"

"I-I didn't know that was an option. Wait, lemme try that again."

"Too late, mister. You missed your chance. Now off you go," I order and he sticks his tongue out at me. "Careful. You don't want to get on my bad side."

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