Chapter 3 • On My Own

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"There you go, my beautiful little boy," JJ coos. "Wow, I feel so much lighter now."

"Yeah? He was pretty hungry then."

"Mhm. Do you still want to burp him?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Aww, oh, Harry, his little milk belly is adorable. You'll be able to feel it. Just a sec. Wait. Lemme just . . ." The seat cushion next to me dips down as she moves and she huffs a breath. "Oh for f-, I mean Pete's sake. I can't get up whilst holding him. Can you text your mum to come help me?"

"Yeah, sure," I readily reply, taking my phone from my shirt pocket and I press the button. "Siri, call Mum."

"You're ringing her? Why didn't you just text?"

"Ha! I don't know-"

"Harry? What's wrong?"

"Oh, uhm could you come to the living room for a second, pl-"

"Be right there."

"It's not an emerg- . . . she hung up," I smirk, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"At least she's attentive," JJ muses.

"Gramma Anne is here to the rescue. What can I do to help?"

"I can't get up with Eli in my arms. Can you just give him to Harry? He's going to burp him."

"Yes, I can. Come here to Gramma Anne, little angel," Mum coos and I wipe my palms on my jeans. "I think I'm going to refer to myself as Gramma Anne, so the boys know they have more than one grandma. Is that alright with you two?"

"Of course, Mum. I'm sure Liza will appreciate that. Right, JJ?" I ask and she makes a high-pitched sound that I've come to recognize all too well. "Oh, love, what's wrong?"

"I-I miss my mum. I need my mum, Harry."

"Oh, didn't Harry tell you? He's invited your mum to come over tonight to celebrate Elliot's homecoming."

"You did?" JJ asks, placing her hand on my bicep and I clear my throat.

"Mhm, well, you could say it was a team effort."

"I don't know what I would do without you, love, or you, Anne. Thank you both.

"You're welcome, my darling."

"Hey, wait a sec," I start to panic. "Where's Eli?"

"I'm rocking him whilst swinging side to side," Mum says and I sigh in relief. "He seems to fancy this move, just for future reference. Are you ready for him now, Harry?"

"Yes, more than."

"I'll put the burp cloth on your shoulder so it's ready just in case," JJ says and I feel the soft material drape over my shoulder.

"Ready to go to your daddy, my little darling?"

"C'mere, son," I coo, feeling Mum gently place Eli on my chest and shoulder and I wrap my hands around his tiny body with one hand supporting his head and one under his bum. "There we go. Hello, Elliot, my boy."

"Remember; gentle pats on his back and if he doesn't burp soon, rub his back in nice small circles. That always worked better with you," Mum says and I nod in acknowledgment. "Dinner is ready if you want to come eat with us, JJ."

"Oh yes, I'm starving, but I think I'll wait for Harry."

"Nonsense, love. Go eat. I've got it."

"I don't know. Are you sure?"

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