Chapter 11 • Round Two

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"Holy fuck," I blow out a breath, feeling the bed to make sure there's room and I plop down on my back. My left arm is limited in movement but I'm not complaining. "That was . . . that was-"

"What? No good?" JJ jokes and I laugh lazily, swiping my hand over my face which moves JJ's arm with mine since we're connected by the fur-lined metal.

"I was gonna say that was the best sex ever, but amazing pretty much covers it." I rest my hand on my stomach, grinning at the sweat mixture.

"Ohhh, okay. Good because I was thinking the same thing," JJ says, moving to lie next to me. Her arm moves on my chest which moves my arm up with hers and I laugh lazily. "What's so funny?"

"S'nothing funny per se, love. I'm just in disbelief."

"About what?" she asks covering us up with what I recognize is just the sheet.

"That I'm married to the most wonderful woman."

"Aw, Harry, that's sweet. So your euphoria right now has nothing to do with the fact we used a new vibe and handcuffs?"

I grin, "Well, maybe that has a little something to do with the feeling of being on top of the world, but it's mainly you. You give me that feeling every day."

She giggles, grasping my hand with hers, "You make me feel that way, too, babe."

"I think I've listened to enough romcoms to know that right now would be the perfect time to kiss."

"Hmm, I think you're right," she says, leaning in close and I incline my head towards her. I sense her presence closer and her lips touch mine in a soft kiss. She moves to lay on top of me as if straddling me and her hair falls onto my face. It makes me flinch and she leans back, ending our kiss. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

"Mm, you're so sexy. You're so sweaty and God, your muscles are driving me wild. My pussy is still throbbing from your dick. I'm empty without you-"

"Oh shit, wait a sec. I forgot-"


"The condom. I can't reach it."

"Allow me, love," she says, sliding her hand down my chest and she sits up. My body flinches as she takes my sensitive dick in her hand and rolls the condom off. "Mmm, you're so big."

As she begins stroking me, I clear my throat, "Are you wanting a round two, Mrs. Styles?"

"Well, we have the time. It's only a quarter past nine. We have the privacy. What do you say, hm?" Her fingertips slide down to my balls and she gently massages them.

"Y-yes, baby. Fuck." As I control my breathing, I slide my hands up her thighs to her torso where I keep going until I reach her breasts.

"Mm, yes. Now that we've had round one, perhaps we can use the third item we got," she says, slipping her finger down until it reaches the spot where I've never had the courage to explore on my own and it makes me suck in a breath. "Is that something you'd like to try?" Swallowing harshly, I nod quickly and continue squeezing her breasts. "Okay. I'll get the lube and plug ready. Lemme unlock these cuffs first."

I grin as she reaches over my body, "I quite liked being cuffed to you."

"Yeah? If I had to be handcuffed to anyone, I'd want it to be you," she says, moving back over me and I hear a click. "There. You're free."

Smirking at her words, I rub my wrist and my body moves with the bed as she scoots around. My heart begins to pound at the thought of trying this for the first time, but I trust JJ with all of my heart and I know she won't push me past where I'm comfortable.

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