Chapter 16 • Living Dangerously

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"What time is it?" Harry mumbles next to my ear while Eli and Everette continue to cry. I'm so exhausted and comfortable in the bed that I don't even open my eyes.

"Dunno. Feels like they just ate."

"Mhm," Harry hums and I can tell he's falling back to sleep and I'm not doing this on my own.

"Hey," I give him a little nudge, earning a grunt, "let's get up on the count of three."


"Okay. One."

"Two," Harry continues and I grin.

"Two and a half."

Harry lazily chuckles, "Two and three quarters."

"M'too tired to remember what fraction comes after that but that one."

Harry chuckles, patting my hip, "Alright, Ms. Mathematician, three. Let's check on the boys."

I hum in agreement, pulling the covers off and I barely open my eyes to our dark moonlit bedroom. I'm instantly cold now that Harry and I aren't cuddling under the comforter and I let out a yawn. I slip my feet in my house shoes and push myself up off the bed with a grunt. I lean over the bassinet and coo at my babies.

"What's the matter, you two, hm? You both decided to team up against your mummy and daddy? Alright, c'mere, Elliot," I gently pick him up and hold him close to my chest. "You wanna hold Ev while I change Eli?"

"Yeah, sure. It might even calm him a bit."

"That was my hope," I jokingly say, patting Elliot's back and I get a whiff of his nappy. "Oh my-"

Harry chuckles while I retch and gag, walking over to the changing table. I gently place him down and proceed to change the world's stinkiest and messiest nappy. Even in the middle of the night and half-awake, I'm questioning my life choices right now. Once Eli's all cleaned up, I fit a fresh nappy on him and fix his bedtime onesie.

"There we go. All done. Do you feel better, my love? Are you hungry?" I coo, picking him up to hold in my arms. "Shit, wait. How am I going to-, no wait, I've got it. If you feed Eli, I'll change Everette, then I'll just nurse him after."

"Good plan. Do you have a bottle ready?"

"Uhm, yeah it's in the warmer on the nightstand. Wanna sit in the glider?"

"Sure. Wait. I know you do. I remember you saying it gives you more support when you uhm, do that. I'll sit up in the bed, it's okay."

Humming in acknowledgment, I yawn and walk over to the edge of the bed, "Just lay Everette down next to you. There's plenty of room."

Harry lovingly kisses his head, slipping his hand from underneath Everette's bum and he feels the bed next to him before gently laying him down.

"Alright. I'm ready," he says and I place Eli in his arms. Eli immediately starts crying and I quickly get the bottle from the warming machine and I guide Harry's hand to help feed Eli and he stops crying.

"One baby down, one to go," I joke, earning nothing from Harry. "Get it?"

Harry makes a sound while shaking his head.

"Because one baby stopped crying but the other one's still- oh screw it. I'm tired. You're tired. C'mere, Everette."

I'm even more gentle with him because he's significantly smaller than Eli and I kiss his little cheek repeatedly while I walk over to the changing table. I carefully place him down and change just a wet nappy. He starts sucking on his fingers and I fit his onesie back on.

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