Henry #5

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Henry's pov

I ran to me and Boris's safe room, trying to keep away from bendy. I manage to get there before he can get me, I look up to see Boris smiling at me but I also see y/n?!

I can't believe Joey got y/n...he was the sweetest person to work with and always got his work done on time. He made sure I ate when I had to stay overtime, hell he even stayed with me to make sure I got some sleep.

I can't tell you how many times he let me crash on his couch, he made me my favorite food for breakfast, and coffee always tasted better when he made it.
It's because he was the sweetest person that joey got him..y/n would never turn down an invitation to see his old "friend".

I finally catch my breath enough to greet him "hello y/n, it's been awhile". He wasted no time giving me one of his bear hugs I was always so fond of...

I can't help but smile at his touch and breath in the scent of his clean clothes. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to smell something other than ink in so long.

Y/n's pov-

I gave Henry a big hug and didn't want to let go, I was so confused and scared and happy all at once I felt like my head was spinning and I was going to be sick again.
I eventually calmed down and let him go.
"Henry.....WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!". Boris gentle smacked my arm at the profanity and Henry giggled a bit but eventually started to explain.

" Well y/n... Joey sent you a letter, one of false pretenses. He used the letter to trap you in this studio to make you into a lost one, so he can perfect his way of turning humans into things like..well Boris here. A living cartoon."
Quick A/n. Any characters talking/writing in someone else's pov will be bolded for talking and  bolded and underlined for writing
Sorry for any confusion!

I had so many questions racing through mind, why would Joey do this, how long has Henry been down here, and was Boris really a person?! I decided on two questions to start with. " How..and why...?" Henry looked at me with an understanding face and began to explain once again.
"Well how is a little complicated but I'll do my best to explain. The ink in small doses can make you wanting more of it"

"Like a drug?" I interjected, Henry beamed at me proudly for understanding so easily.

"Yes exactly, but when you get more of it you turn into ink creatures, or sometimes a cartoon. Currently there is original Boris aka the one we have here and Boris clones, those are the dead ones you'll find around the studio. There is one Bendy..but he is well...you know.."

"Yeah.." I nodded sadly at remembering the once happy lil' devil doing his dance on the screens. To see what he was turned into made me sad and sick at the thought of anyone corrupting Bendy..

" There is another Boris and an Alice but it's actually Tom and Allison. They managed to keep their minds in this place by having each other.
There is one Alice angel but she's kind of crazy, she will try and kill Boris. There is the butcher gang who mostly keep to themselves, that's all the cartoon people and now we have people who aren't them but are corrupt with ink."

"We have Norman Polk, he was turned into the projectionist. His head is fine and replaced with one of our old projectors. Then there's Sammy Lawrence who just got too much ink and was driven mad, he worships Bendy thinking If he sacrifices us he will be set free."

I understood everything but there's one thing that I dare not thinking about..I couldn't stand the though of Sammy trying to hurt us..."Are you sure it's Sammy..?" He looks at me with a regretful look in his eye and nods his head yes...

No..I didn't want to believe it..I can't stand the the thought of Sammy being trapped down here by our BOSS! Joey has caused so many people so much grief, I hate Joey...
Henry started explaining how the ink works to me

" The ink slowly takes over your mind and makes you go bat shit crazy, basically. It splits your mind in two and slowly takes over the you part so all that's left is the ink part, you don't remember anything unless you really fight for it..I've experienced some of this but Boris has kept me sane"

I nodded as he explained but I still needed to know why Joey would do this.." why...? Why would Joey do this.."




Ha Cliffhanger! Ask me any questions you have and I hope I did good at explaining how the ink works in my story
This is the longest chapter by far 855 words~

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