But what about Sammy#14

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3rd person pov-

It's been about two weeks since you've gotten trapped in the studio, and alot has happened. You found Henry and Boris, made friends with the Butcher Gang, found Norman. Hell you even helped get Norman and Henry back together.

But you still feel like something is missing. You feel that a certain musician is missing. A certain musician named Sammy, Sammy Lawrence.

You missed him.

There was no doubt of that, you simply missed Sammy. But you were also scared, scared that you'd find someone that merely shares his face and name, but that wasn't your Sammy anymore. You were worried about that if you went to see him, it wouldn't be him.

You wanted to see him, very badly but you didn't want to see him bat shit crazy. If he wasn't your Sammy anymore you wanted to remember him how he used to be. Sweet and sarcastic, hated being called short and loved making music.

That is Sammy, not whatever ink that took his brain over. If he wasn't in there anymore you didn't want your memory of him to be tainted. 

I think it was now obvious to everyone that you liked Sammy, obvious to everyone except for you. You still didn't realize you even had a crush on the blonde haired music director.

You always talk about him so fondly to everyone, you never notice the lust in your voice when you speak about him but the others do. They notice it, The notice alot to say the least.
But they don't mention anything because they think it's cute how you fawn over Sammy, but they also don't mention it because they all know how much you miss Sammy and they wouldn't wanna make you missing him to feel embarrassing.

You know now that Henry and Norman are back together, they've been making up for lost time. And they're using that make up time for make out time, they've also been sneaking into the janitor closet. For some heavy petting if you catch my drift.

Seriously, everyone can hear when they have sex, but you can never tell who bottoms out and who tops. They both sound somewhat similar the only difference is Norman sounds more like a fucking radio.

But enough of that, they're not the ones this story is about~

Y/n's pov-

"So get this, I was going to the janitors closet for some rags to clean with and guess what  I find fucking Henry and Norman literally FUCKING! They were naked and sweaty and they were making out when I walked in on them. Thank God I didn't stay." I ranted to Boris, he just gave me a nod and chuckled at me.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask him smiling. He just shakes his head and smiles. "That what I thought, Buddy" I boop his snout and give him a bowl of bacon soup I had made earlier. He accepts it and smiles wider at me.

I left the safe room and made my way down to the music department. 'Just for old times sake' I told myself.

I feel like someone's watching me.

I got to the music room and played the melody that lets me into Sammy's sanctuary.

I heard a noise..

I walked in to the room and saw all the writing on the walls, staff pictures covered  in ink, candles lit under shrines to Bendy at every corner.

Someone's behind me...

I keep going, making sure to double back so I'm at the entrance after a few seconds. As soon as I make my way to leave everything goes black.....

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep~"

Finally Sammy makes an appearance in someone else's chapter! What'll happen to y/n??? Stay tuned for the next update! And make sure to comment for the Halloween special or there won't be one.

652 words ~

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