Awkward pt.2

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Norman's pov-

Henry came in and asked if we could talk..'what should I say???'  this is such a sudden question from him, I thought we just had a silent agreement to avoid each other.

I remember the first time I saw him down here. He was so scared. So shaken. So frail.            

I'm sure I didn't make it better by running up to him arms stretched out twords him.
He ran from me like I was a monster, like I'd kill him if I got too close. It made my heart hurt, even the thought of me hurting Henry made me sick to my stomach.

He called me a monster. It broke my heart.

When I first saw him I wanted to scream to him that is was me, I wanted to assure him that he wasn't alone in this hell. But I couldn't because my damn speaker was on the fritz for the umpteenth time, even now it still gives me trouble now and then.

Truth be told, I miss Henry. I miss him so so much, he must think I'm mental because I haven't spoken this whole time since he asked that question but he didn't move to leave, he waited patiently for my answer.

"I..yes, Henry. Talking sounds..nice. But maybe in a more private area, away from prying eyes" I glance to the doorway where y/n and Boris were quickly pretending that they weren't listening to us.   

"That sounds good, the janitors closet then?" he whispered to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me in to the corridor leading to the closet.

As we walked I couldn't help thinking about all the sweet kisses that had been stolen, all the sneaky lunch break make out sessions. All in that closet, why Henry chose that room to talk in I didn't know. 
Honestly I don't know how to feel about going back into the closet after already coming out.
I smile at my own silent joke as Henry pushes me in to the closet, soon walking in himself and closing the door.

We were close, very close. my chest pressed against his as he spoke.
"Norman, I'm sorry...I'm sorry for running, for screaming, for calling you a monster..."

I nodded and listened patiently. Him being almost two and a half feet shorter than me he had to stand on the tips of his toes to properly rest his head on my chest.  

"It's alright Hen..I forgive you" I hugged him letting my hands fall to his waist after a moment.
We both stood there in silence for about five minutes before Henry put all his weight on me, I knew what it ment.
"You want ups?" he nodded and I picked him up, him wrapping his arms around my neck. 

I missed his weight against my body, his chest softly rising and falling each time he took a breath. It felt like an eternity before either one of us spoke. He spoke first.             

"What happens to us now?"

I thought for a moment. On one hand I loved Henry, but on the other I'm not sure if I want to be with him any more. I do love him and the heart wants what it wants so, I answered him.
But not with my words, no, I pressed my head against his and made a static like purr.

"I take it were a couple again?" he plays with my wires. I nod my head and he kisses me(how does one kiss a projector?) the best he could with me having no actual mouth.

Henry's pov-

I kissed him..I kissed Norman for the first time in years, sure it was a little akward  since he had no mouth but it was as sweet as ever none the less. I loved him, and he loved me.
We were together again and I was happier then ever before, I hope he felt the same that he was as happy as I was. I wish I could read his mind and find out if he was actually happy.

I just want to stay in his arms forever, I missed his warmth but it wasn't like before it was a more damp humid warmth, like a hot summer day.
He felt sticky and wet. Like a swamp but he smelled like the cologne I gave him so long ago.
After I gave it to him every night his blankets always smelled like vanilla and cedarwood. Once I mentioned how much I liked it, he never washed his blankets after that. Just for me.

He gently sat down and put me on his lap, it was a position I was all to familiar with. Our chests pressed together, his rising and falling a little bit faster then mine like he was nervous.
I remember the last time that we were in this position.
We were both completely naked with our dicks out, commiting shameless acts of passion all through out the night. We were both sore the morning after to say the least.

I rest my head on Norman's shoulder as I felt his breath slow down, he was asleep. I smiled. 'Y/n won't miss us, a little nap won't hurt anyone'. I settled down for my nap on my Norman and slowly fell asleep.

Boris' pov-

Y/n was fangirling over Norman and Henry, we tried to hear their conversation without eavesdropping too much. I'm glad they're on good terms now, Henry used to tell me all about Norman like I was his therapist. And now they're together again so it won't be akward.
Y/n said he was going to write a love story about Henry and Norman, he said it was "fanfiction" but I'm just chalking it down to y/n being y/n and doing normal y/n things.
He always does y/n things normal or not it's just what he does and I'm glad he can express himself.


Oooo romance! Maybe you'll get a lil look into y/n's fanfic who knows. I just wanna take a moment to say thanks to everyone for over 300 reads, I didn't expect people to actually like my writing but I'm glad people are enjoying it.

Also for big news or announcements I'll be posting in an a/n because I don't want y'all to get notifications that my book updated and it be a announcements instead of a chapter . Enjoy~
1084 words

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