Chapter 11: Don't Give In!

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The trio strolls down the grassy path nearing their destination as two knights come into view guarding the entrance. After the castle attack, defenses have been increased not merely at his home but in every single town. Even ordered now to report where he will be going so patrol can keep watch over him from the shadows. The prince can't complain and she is just taking extra precautions for his safety. Still, Wendell hopes a problem doesn't arise which may expose his identity as Frederick.

Considering what my mother told me earlier, I wonder if I'll be able to propose...

Before he left the castle this morning he had a short meeting with the queen. They lost a few soldiers during the palace raid though the outcome could've been far worse. Despite maintaining their high numbers, another dangerous factor still concerns her. The strong alchemy which was used is one method that can flip who has the upper hand. To balance out Henry's obvious advantage, she might need to reconsider making a treaty with Quincy. As a result, he would no longer be allowed to marry Kana, but that isn't set in stone quite yet.

Glancing at the brunette, Wendell plans to continue his double life to discover her heart. Although he won't propose until this whole situation with Khisenfire is over for certain. The prince can only pray she passes this test well and his mother is not forced to break her promise.

The girls guide him through the large metal gate arriving at a big tourist spot people enjoy visiting. Greenery surrounds them with various fruits and vegetables growing both high and low. The peaceful sound of chirping birds and the cool breeze create a nice atmosphere for being outdoors.

"Well, this is the community vineyard. It's where everyone living in Opal Forten and Rainswood crops grows," Kana says, taking the lead for their tour.

"Wow, it's so big. There are quite a few crops I've never even seen before..." Wendell mumbles, his blue eyes genuinely looking about in curiosity.

After school Kana suggested they stop by the vineyard since she's job-free until evening. Thankfully enough, he didn't have any lessons to rush home for either so it worked out just fine. Though the prince must show some surprise as Frederick, he hasn't made but a handful of trips there. Having a flourished garden back at the castle leaves little need to ever pay a visit.

"Old man Dalton is the official keeper of this vineyard. Since it's open up to the community, residents can earn quick money by pitching in. The crops later get sold at the marketplace for low prices," Saelufu further explains, this system much different compared to the capital and Everlane. Their crops come straight from the farming village of Pencent where they tend them to a fresh degree. On the contrary, such high-quality crops are quite costly for nobles to purchase.

"The main reason I wanted us to come was for you to try the wild berries. These only grow in the spring season and taste really good! They're specially grown in Calestra so it's hard to get them anywhere else." Kana changes the subject, and wild berries have always been his favorite fruit.

"We definitely don't have those back in Narrok at least. I look forward to seein if it's worth the excitement."

"Once we track Dalton down I'm sure he won't mind..." Kana's voice trails off and following her narrowed gaze a certain face has him internally groan. Oliver is joking nearby with two other teen boys who notice their presence. Strolling over the black-haired male doesn't look too happy, and he can already smell trouble fast on its way.

"And just what are you lot doing here?"

"Showing Frederick around the vineyard, not that it's any of your business." Saelufu crosses her arms awfully clear she isn't in the mood for his typical antics.

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