Chapter 4: At First Dance

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It's dusk as the family of three dressed in blue and white apparel enter the ballroom. The maids had quite the hassle to even get his sister dressed, though he can't exactly blame her. Wearing tight stuffy clothes for the sake of making a good impression is bothersome. Luckily after warning he wouldn't take her to Versace unless she behaves, the girl complied.

Having a look around the place has been decked in turquoise and gold with tables set up along the sides. Musicians get ready towards the back having a long night ahead of them, while cooks carry fresh dishes to satisfy their guests' appetites. Tonight is the first time throwing an event since the war, so it's no surprise the queen went all out.

Despite the festivities, Wendell is left distracted given the bombshell his mother dropped on him earlier. Informed at the last minute his fiancee will be attending, and news of their future marriage released to the public. The deal stands but he isn't prepared to meet Blanche this soon.

I wonder what type of person she is and if meddling parents forced the girl into our engagement... Moreover, I need to be careful that neither the agreement nor Kana's name should slip my tongue.

As different guests arrive the prince begins welcoming some on their personal invite listing. He must break free of his comfort zone ruling over the country in three short months. Greeting the minor households is far less nerve-wracking, though it's rather uncommon for higher social groups to mix. This is a rare ball opened to all dwellers and the remaining families present aren't noble class. Hailing from different parts of the kingdom on a first-come, first-served basis until they hit capacity.

It is unexpected when none other than the Kensun's happily come to greet him. Not so much of a shocker that their son chose to stay home; his rival wouldn't be caught dead at a palace ball. The middle-aged woman showers Wendell with praise that, though flattering, is a tad embarrassing. These two are far kinder than the prince imagined--given Oliver's rude behavior, and reminding them he must greet other guests, the married pair goes off to find a table.

It doesn't take very long before the room grows full, but a particular silhouette dazzles among the rest. The beauty gazing out of the glass window reflects her afro hair done up in a neat bun. She wears an elegant yellow gown decorated with ribbons, plus a beaded necklace to match. His feet change direction instantaneously and noticing him she gives the usual bow.

"Oh, good evening, Your Highness."

Stopping in front of Kana, the height difference between them is more noticeable with her in heels. "You look absolutely marvelous under the moonlight."

"T-Thank you, Lucille was kind enough to lend me a dress of hers... It must feel nice holding a ball again after the constant stress of war has ended. Everyone here is in much better spirits, including yourself."

Since his father was killed it's been a major adjustment more than words can explain. Late King Gus marks the first death of such a close relative, and even knowing he perished in honor didn't help ease their grief. In a way, the tragic incident has brought him and his younger sibling closer together. Although he painfully realizes the rift between his strict mother remains unchanged. She might've allowed the prince to select a fitting bride, but her hectic schedule shortens the little quality time they spend.

"I am doing much better now. It is difficult at times but we're pulling through the tough parts. I hope things will truly get back to normal since we're at peace."

Just then a soft classical piece begins to play, being the initial song to start the night off. Many people couple up to partake in the romantic atmosphere by dancing this slow waltz. Wendell doesn't waste the opportunity before him as he extends a hand to her.

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