Chapter 9: Power To Protect

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In the bedroom, Wendell is surrounded by maids who prepare him for the tedious day ahead. Between combing his hair and putting on boots while Margaret continues her long lecture. He makes sure to nod occasionally as if paying attention but the prince mentally sighs. The Valenta's just set up a mandatory date for them at none other than his own home. Now Blanche will be there all afternoon, and Frederick spending time with Kana must get pushed off. Since her terms state that he has to play the role of fiance until this wedding gets canceled, refusal isn't an option.

"Be a gentleman and show Blanche around the castle while amusing her a bit. That's all you need to do."

"Ah, yes, I understand."

"I know you made an arrangement with the queen about freedom for your desired bride. Who is this lucky girl you wish to take the hand of, and why are you dragging your feet popping the question?" His aid asks, the prince not surprised she'd question him about this eventually. "I mean, anyone would be utterly blind to turn down a proposal from you!"

"Given my position, I guess there is some truth to that..." he mumbles gazing at the glass ceiling above. Naturally quite anybody would accept a dazzling ring in the hands of a royal.

The middle-aged woman shakes her head wearing a tender smile. "No, that's not the reason. I simply believe someone humble and caring as you would make whomever you're with happy. That kind of devotion is far more valuable than any amount of gold."

Margaret's honest answer leaves him speechless for a moment. These are the type of qualities he wishes people would look into instead of his title. A small grin resurfaces on his face with their little chat helping lift the boy's mood.

"Thank you, Margaret. And as for the one I wish to wed, you may not remember but her name is Kana Littleton."

The plump woman thinks for only a moment before slowly nodding. "Ah, yes the sweet girl from Rainswood that's visited a few times. I couldn't possibly forget her with not many females that match my height. I can't say much as I don't know her very well, but she seems to be a decent choice for a wife... This Frederick role that you're playing has to do with her, correct?"

"Yes, I need to determine if her love for me is real or fake. I know outwardly she's a very kind person--which I admire about her, but great riches and praise can change people. I want her to accept me as her lifelong companion for the reasons you listed, not material things."

Even if the cheerful brunette would never be cruel as those selfish friends from his childhood, Kana still could only agree to marry him because of the wealth she'll receive. This test must be done in order to confidently stand side-by-side at the altar without uncertainty surfacing down the line.

"I won't try and persuade you from this and the plan is already in motion. Though I'm sure living double lives will get you in rather sticky situations along the road. Telling a single fib can produce several more until you're caught in a web where only admitting the truth can release you. So just be careful as dishonesty of the lips and deception of the heart hurts all the same."

These words of wisdom surfaces a tight sensation in his chest, yet the biggest lie he has told her was about missing the ball. Regardless, Wendell ponders this advice while the maids finish getting him ready for his date.


"I've come, My Beloved Prince!" Blanche throws arms around him the moment she waltzes inside. He has realized it's futile to resist this spine-crushing hug but just let his fiancee release on her own. Wendell oh so patiently waits for the girl to free him, and after another minute, he can breathe again.

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