Chapter 8: Love In The Air?

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The dwarf's sluggish body enters the schoolhouse laying her head on the hard wooden desk. Rather tired--similar to many upon the start of the week, even though she has a much shorter walk. However, her two friends converse and prove to be wide awake during this dull hour. If Kana is hitting it off with 'Frederick' so soon he should have his answer in no time flat.

Saelufu almost dozes off when a familiar figure zaps her sleepiness in an instant. Studying their appearance, it is the same boy whose reactions were a source of amusement at the palace ball. The important question that comes to mind is what purpose could he have there?

"Hey, Justus!" To her surprise, none other than the brunette is waving him over. He notices making a detour from the teacher's desk towards the back. "I'm Kana, you're Blanche's younger cousin, right? I didn't know you'd be switching to our school."

"Yeah, I remember you. This wasn't exactly planned but...I couldn't adjust to those uppity people at the schoolhouse in Everlane. So I asked to be transferred since there was room to take one more."

"I'm shocked someone wants to attend this schoolhouse by choice. Ms. Grumphan is just like her name sounds, constantly grumpy, though isn't too bad if you manage to stay on her good side. Oh, I should introduce you to my friends here. This is Frederick and he recently joined us as well."

Their new student glances at the country-dressed prince seated diagonally from her. Wendell stiffens up sweating bullets despite the cool morning that will only draw attention to himself. Before she can intervene he nervously gives the boy a small tip of his hat.

"J-Justus was it? A pleasure to meet ya! I'm not sure I'd call this an upgrade, but I hope we can all get along."

"Likewise," he replies, and after a minute Wendell's present anxiety seems to fade. From what had been shared the other day she can understand why he was so nervous. Justus managed to somehow read his true feelings for Kana in a heartbeat, and with such a keen eye the boy might see right through the prince's disguise.

Still doesn't seem like he's noticed anything amiss. Hopefully, for his sake, it'll stay that way.

Kana doesn't get the chance to introduce her when Justus's eyes instantly grow wide. His expression proves he without a doubt remembers the dwarf's face from that entertaining night. Neither of them could have predicted to meet again quite like this.

"I-It's you! You're the girl who kept pestering me at the castle ball!"

"I see your memory is sharp. I suppose most wouldn't forget a beautiful stranger that swept them off their feet," she replies, being able to recall every last detail of their small interaction.

The night was nearly at its end while Saelufu had finished catching up with more friends. As she departed from yet another table the dwarf's usual rounds were now completed. There was nobody left for her to talk to and Wendell was busy dancing with his new fiancee. Saelufu would go out there herself but was never a huge fan of the waltz. Plus with the song almost over it was easier to hold off until the following one began.

With that in mind, Saelufu went to stand by the wall and wait it out. It just so happens she was near a boy which appeared to be around the same age. A bit on the shorter side for height dressed in a green and white formal vest and tie. Fluffy strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, and lilac eyes glued down to the marble floor. His crossed arms gave the impression he probably doesn't want to be there. Still, that wasn't going to shy her away from starting a conversation.

"The ball is laid out more than usual, doncha think? That large buffet could provide the entire capital with a packed take-home plate. Maybe they went overboard because there haven't been opportunities to throw formal gatherings in a while."

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