Chapter 14: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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It's a typical school day as the seven oldest kids take turns solving math problems on the board. Wendell gets called upfront next which allows him to stretch his numb legs, even if only for a minute. Picking a chalk, he examines the large numbers written and the answer is quite simple. It barely takes him any time to complete this with his fellow peers left astonished. Most of this the prince has already learned during lessons at home.

"Kana, I said it's your turn! Quit daydreaming and pay attention to the lesson." Ms. Grumphan folds her arms in annoyance as the brunette springs to her feet.

"Y-Yes, so sorry Ma'am!"

Wendell watches her scurry to the chalkboard and she has seemed a bit distracted today. Maybe work is tiring Kana out given her busy schedule, or a hectic home life with her father constantly absent. The boy makes a mental note to chat with his friend once school is over.

Soon the bell rings at last welcoming freedom for the weekend. Their teacher continues to lecture the youths as they hurriedly pack up to leave. After saying goodbyes to Saelufu, he waits until Kana exits the schoolhouse to address her.

"Hey, Kana. You headin straight home?"

"No, I have double jobs to do since it's Friday and all. Did Saelufu take off?"

"Yeah, I told her to go on ahead of me. Uh, is somethin bothered ya? You just were spacin out a lot in there."

"Oh, well..." However the brunette's voice trails off, her gaze dropping down to her torn bag. It's no longer a question of is the girl upset but rather how come? Many possibilities cross his mind but he won't pry if she isn't ready to talk.

"I can listen if ya need to vent. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Of course, that's why this shouldn't be so awkward to ask. I mean, it's nothing bad or anything. There's just a strange behavior from you I've been curious about for a while now..." Kana shuffles her feet as the present frown further deepens. Falling silent a moment, she lifts her head and the earlier doubts have all disappeared. Such an uncommon serious expression causes a beat of sweat to trickle down his face. "Frederick, do you-"

"You're hanging with me today, My friend!"

The two are rudely interrupted when a certain dark-haired boy pulls him away. Wendell is left speechless as the distance between them and Kana continues to grow. His self-proclaimed rival has a tight grip where no amount of squirming can break him free from.

"Practically every day he kicks around with you and that snarky dwarf. Well, now we have important business to see that cannot be postponed! Guess your little question for him will get discussed on Monday."

Oliver knew she was trying to ask me something and yet he still interfered.

This alone raises his irritation and he shoots the girl an apologetic look. Kana gives a lopsided smile along with a wave prior to heading her way toward home. Troubled as he may be, there's no choice but to resume their conversation three long days later.

What could've she wanted to inquire of me about? Perhaps a love confession! No, it's far too early for that. Besides, Kana would've preferred somewhere more private, and it hadn't appeared the topic was a lighthearted one. Then why...

"You're from Narrok, aren't you?" Oliver's random question snaps him out of thought from pondering on hers. It takes the prince a few seconds to register what he just said before slowly nodding.

"Yeah, that's right..."

"I'm a previous resident of Quincy but my family had to move. Unfortunately, my mom was set to open a boutique here with one of her old acquaintances. It has been years since I've last stepped foot there, though I have adjusted to Calestra by now. Did you ever encounter a noble beauty, Blanche Valenta? She's a childhood friend of mine that currently stays in Everlane. Narrok neighbors the capital, so I figured you might've crossed paths with her."

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