Chapter 12: Managing The Double Life

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Storm clouds cover the blue skies above as Wendell walks into the schoolhouse early in the morning. To his luck, the only person who has arrived is Kana lying her head down on the desk. The two lock eyes and she greets him with a rather tired smile.

"Morning, Frederick. Where's Saelufu?"

"Oh, uh, she overslept so I headed out ahead of her," he replies with an excuse off underneath his hat, hoping she doesn't turn up absent today. "It's unusual for you to be the first one here."

"Well, I do have a farther walk coming from Rainswood, but I had a few deliveries to run before class started."

Wendell can't say he is surprised she was out working before dawn. Then to have and sit through three hours of schooling afterward must take its toll. The aid is still getting distributed so her family shouldn't have much longer to wait.

"Yes, I thought I heard voices." Ms. Grumphan walks in behind him wearing the usual furrow between her thick eyebrows. "Since it's a good minute until the lesson begins, why don't you both go fetch two water buckets from the well."

This doesn't sound like a mere suggestion to him but the teacher's order. Apparently, in schoolhouses, they have water set aside so if students want a drink during hours. Usually by the time he arrives somebody else would've already taken care of it.

"Of course, Ma'am. We'll bring them in right away," Kana answers, him nodding in agreement.

Wendell follows her lead outside around the back where a small well stands alone. He never had the opportunity to use one himself examining the structure for a moment. The prince has seen castle workers handle this often, and it didn't look too difficult a task. Making sure to tie the rope firmly around the bucket handle, he allows Kana to control the pulley, lowering it into the water below.

"Hey, uh, there's something I've been meanin to ask ya..." he starts, grabbing her attention. Now that they have a minute by themselves there is no point in holding off his invitation. This will be a perfect chance to closening their growing bond as well as an event to spend together at her favorite location.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I was just wonderin if ya could come with me to Bubbles Bond Festival later this evenin?"

Wendell was wanting her response to be immediate though instead, he receives an awkward silence in return. The Bubbles Bond Festival remains another yearly celebration that takes place at Greendale Hill, toward the end of the spring season. Its purpose is to welcome the sunny days fast approaching by blowing large bubbles amongst other activities. Although people of all ages can participate, couples, in particular, seem to be the target audience. Perhaps it feels a little weird on her end considering she hasn't known Frederick very long.

"Sorry, I only wanted to repay ya for invitin me to the parade, but forget I asked."

"No, it's not like that. I just promised Mr. Baker I would help him move this evening with my older brother. He lives in Everlane, therefore, the pay isn't something we can exactly afford to pass up," she explains, setting the filled bucket of cold water aside. If work is the true reason the girl can't attend then there's nothing left for him to say. More importantly, tight as Kana's schedule can get he is concerned about her health.

"Oh, that's too bad. I do hope you're not overworkin yourself and take plenty of breaks under the shade. You will fall ill tryin to push past your limits," he advises, as they proceed to the second bucket.

"Thanks, but I'll be alright. It's been like this the past two years so I've learned to set rest days now and then. Besides, I don't need to stress about homework for the coming weekend at least."

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