Chapter 10: Surprising Reunion

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Oliver keeps his eyes watchful and ears attentive while roaming through the roads of Everlane. Trying his best to spot anything amiss or hear a pleading cry for help. Unfortunately, the day has been rather dull so far not coming across a single person in distress.

"I know limited crimes happen around here but still..." he grumbles, letting out a deep sigh that isn't his first. Going on patrol is something the boy started up just a couple of weeks ago. Such heroic acts will win over the people's hearts by assisting them in times of trouble. Even if some days are a bust it must be greater than what that airheaded prince is doing for Calestra.

Typically, he would set his focus on places with high crime rates like Rainswood or even Aniex. Although the boy switches up a bit to areas he doesn't often visit but once every blue moon. Today the idea was to make his presence known in Everlane, however, the wealthy have tighter security and therefore fewer lawbreakers.

The broad village is filled with large homes, and cobblestone lanes holding fancy shops. Barn animals might be scarce though towards the west but several residents do own horse stables. Nobles are also known for hiring a servant or two living the sweet dream one step under Chestlen.

Oliver reaches the end of another road almost certain to be going in circles. He's simply ready to throw in the towel when noticing something off. In the distance, a younger male who appears around his age is pulling on an elderly folk. The assaulter is shoving a heavy boot deep in the man's back and yanking his arms far in the opposite direction. Finally finding a victim, he wastes no time jumping right into action.

"What do you think you're doing? Release that fellow at once!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"The name is Oliver Kensun!" He takes a battle stance to prove just how serious he is. "I'll be your opponent if you're determined to harass an old man in broad daylight."

The taller teen remains silent, seeming completely unfazed and if anything annoyed. Letting the man free, Oliver immediately helps him to his feet.

"Are you alright, Sir?"

"Yes, my back feels so much better. Can't believe that little walking threw it out again but you're a real miracle" --his wrinkled face drains deathly pale-- "worker... W-Wait a minute you aren't my grandson," The old man mumbles, slowly creating space between them. "In fact, I don't recognize you from around here at all. Help, somebody, help me! I'm being robbed by a peasant boy!"

"Ah, n-no wait you have it all wrong! I thought he was hurting you so that's why I intervened! I would never..."

Regardless of his denial, all of this yelling has drawn attention. The older teen doesn't make any effort to smooth over the situation by comforting his grandfather. Getting his legs to work, he dashes as far away from the gathered crowd as possible.

"That stuck-up jerk and old geezer! I shouldn't have ever wasted my time coming here. Guess patrol was an utter failure today." Oliver kicks at a pebble on the rocky trail in frustration. At this point, the best option is to head for home, though a high pitch scream causes him to stop dead in his tracks. It sounds awfully close but considering what just conspired, the boy hesitates if he should even get involved.

Don't be ridiculous! That girl could be in grave danger and no great hero could ignore such a thing. Hopefully, I can track her down fast enough...

Oliver quickly detours to the lesser-traveled roads where the noise came from. It doesn't take long before he spots two intoxicated men flirting with a fidgety teenage girl. With one glance at her petty frame and beautiful indigo hair, she certainly has matured quite a bit. Being in a similar situation again does bring back old memories of the past...

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