Chapter 1: The Deal

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For most, ladies buzzing around the room like bees as they take care of morning tasks would be quite a luxury. Services just a selected group are privileged to experience, and royalty is among the top of that list. In Wendell's case, witnessing the maids neatly make his bed while others help dress him has become routine. An older female does one last adjustment to his cloak as another swiftly opens the door. The young prince gives his usual thanks before exiting to tackle the day ahead.

Bright sunshine lights up the hallways with not a dark cloud spotted in the vanilla skies. The royal being informed there are only a few lessons later this afternoon further lifts his good mood. Although as to disrupt such peace a loud commotion suddenly comes rushing past him.

The girl runs freely despite such an early hour with their dog right on her tail. He doesn't even get the chance to intervene as she ends up colliding right into a small stand. The glass vase on top of it wobbles dangerously and slowly tips toward the hard floor. Wendell acts fast--diving in just enough time to catch the object before it shatters. He releases a soft sigh as he promptly places the vase back where it belongs. Then faces the culprit who avoids eye contact with an innocent smile.

"Uh, that was a great catch, Brother!"

"Wendy, what did Margaret say about running in the halls? You'd been in major trouble if this had broken and would've hurt yourself," he lectures, causing her to pout and their dog to whimper.

"But Max and I are playing treasure hunt. We're trying to flee the deadly traps, so we won't be stuck in the old tombs forever!"

"I can't believe you have this much energy the moment you spring out of bed. You should be heading to the dining area as breakfast will be served in a minute."

"Mentioning food, have you heard about the cute little cafe up in Everlane?" Wendy begins, and he can predict what is sure to follow. "I wish to dine there and try these popular sweets for myself! Oh, pretty please can we go?"

"Versace is rumored to stay crowded upon opening until the time that they close... Why don't we wait a week or two so their newcomers can thin out first? In the meantime, any desserts you request from the cooks can easily be made right here at home."

His suggestion doesn't appear to be a favorable one as the girl's excitement vanishes now puffing her cheeks.

"You just don't get it! All of my noble friends would've eaten there while Versace is still the talk of the town. This disappointing news has completely ruined my appetite! Breakfast can get saved because Max and I are off to continue our game in the garden. Come on, Boy!"

Heeding this order the rottweiler tags behind and her small feet stomp down the long staircase.

"Wait, Wendy!" he calls, but is ignored and the prince runs fingers through his hair. "Impatient as always."

His cute seven-year-old sister, Wendy, is his only sibling. Anyone could tell the two are related, even if they're clueless about their royal title. Both share ash-blonde locks and ocean eyes, though her own flowing well past the shoulders is usually left tied. They may look similar in terms of appearance, but their personalities differ in many ways. Wendell wasn't nearly as hyper nor bossy back when he was her age.

"Good morning, Your Highness. Conveniently, you're already awake. The queen wishes to see you, so please head to the throne room at once."

Wendell turns to find this address from one of the castle butlers who's cleaning his faint fingerprints off the glass object he touched.

"Alright, did she say for what reason?"

"I'm afraid she didn't explain to me the details, but that it is important business concerning you."

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