Chapter 6: New Friendship

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The classroom is nearly half asleep as Ms. Grumphan continues through her history lecture. She manages to leave some room to squeeze one final name on the bottom of the board. Then turning back toward her students, a hard stomp of the foot jolts several awake.

"As I was saying, the last of the list is prince Wendell Chestna, who will be the twenty-fourth king upon taking the throne. The youngest to rule since King Louis the twelfth, which was only eighteen at the start of his reign. Remember these well since there will be a test on this material Friday for the seven of you. Now you have the few remaining minutes to yourselves."

Their teacher heads back to her desk as small chatter fills the once dead room. Being one of the oldest it includes her in those required to take this impossible test. The brunette releases a frustrated sigh predicting she may fail even if pulling an all-nighter. It's just so many names to remember over the course of one short week. Whether names aren't spelled correctly or placed out of order in the slightest, there will be points deducted. The girl can't afford a bad grade and she is already a year above the rest of her peers.

"What do you think you're going to do on the test, Frederick? It must be much harder for you, not a citizen of this country. I mean, even I'm having trouble absorbing it all... Frederick?" she questions, and apparently the boy hadn't heard a word she said. Her second call does grab his attention, however, having him blink a few times. Now adjusting his hat while he shoots her an apologetic smile.

"Oh, sorry bout that. I was zoned out for a moment there."

"Is something wrong? You seem kinda distracted today?"

Kana's no expert but anyone could tell his head wasn't there. Ms. Grumphan had to get on him more than once about paying attention. Not listening to the point where you stick out like a sore thumb with this bunch is saying a lot.

"N-Nah, I'm just a little tired. Anyways, ya was talkin about the test on Friday?"

"Yeah, it's a lot of names to memorize in only four days. I'm worried about how I'll do but can't imagine the score will be great."

This statement causes him to yet again fall quiet, though it feels different from his previous daydreaming. After a long pause, the boy's fingers snap with a sparkle behind his black frames.

"I got it! Why dontcha try using a rhyme to help ya to remember? Like...Chestna Kirby fell down the dark sleek thirteenth feet deep well. That would probably make it stick better."

"Wow, I never thought of that. I'll have to give it a try when studying!"

Interrupting their conversation, little children begin to flood the room. That is a clear sign school has ended for the day, and Saelufu running off ahead leaves the two of them alone.

Glancing at him, Frederick seems perfectly fine compared to his gloomy mood earlier. Kana was shaken up given the chilling encounter she faced yesterday alongside the prince. Thankfully, some rest and spending time with her loved ones helped calm these nerves. Although curious about what could've happened in his case, it's not any of her business.

"Hey, if you aren't busy why don't you come over for supper?" Kana asks him without a second thought. In normal circumstances, she barely invites people to visit her home, especially after the war. It's an everyday struggle to fill their own tummies, furthermore bring back an extra mouth to feed. Though recently, her mom lucked upon a deal with canned goods for a decent dinner, and she'd like to try offering him a warm welcome.

"R-Really? Ya sure that's okay?"

"Of course! I'm sure my mom won't mind and it'll be plenty enough to go around. This can be a way of thanks for you giving me that useful study tip."

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