Chapter 3: Creating Frederick

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To mark the number of shops they stopped in would be endless, or at least that's what it felt like to him. Nevertheless, the two are done at last buying different pieces to create a southern style. Saelufu patiently waits as he puts together her masterpiece in the dressing room. First checking to see if his clothing is on properly, the prince steps out and she quickly jumps to her feet.

"Finally finished now?... Wow, I must say I'm rather impressed with my work. Feel free to have a peek yourself." She gestures towards the long mirror, and Wendell hesitantly takes a look.

For just a moment, he is surprised by his own reflection. Dressed in blue jean overalls that match the poor boy's cap sitting on his head. Under it, a realistic sandy-colored wig covers up every inch of the prince's ash-blonde hair. The final touch is thick rectangular framed glasses helping to hide his ocean eyes. He can hardly believe she managed to accomplish such a transformation.

"So whaddya think?"

"...Seeing everything put together like this is a good disguise."

"I told you I would handle it. I'm confident you can even fool Kana as well."

That statement has his face fall, and she lets out a huffing breath.

"I didn't go through all this trouble just for you to return it! Come on, I have utmost faith you can pull this off."

"...Alright, but nobody else can know about this besides us. Excluding those in the castle who will notice me, but the more people are aware the greater chance it has of reaching Kana."

"Of course! It's not the biggest secret we've kept. I never snitched till this day when you broke your mother's favorite tea set and blamed it on the dog."

Saelufu doesn't fail to remind him of her trustworthiness. Actually, he does hold guilt about that incident, but his mother is serious when coming to her collectibles. The punishment would've been brutal if she discovered he was responsible.

"Secondly, I'm simply doing this act until I've reached my answer. I refuse to keep a double life any longer than need be," he further notes, the dwarf nodding.

"Right, the minute your mind is made up it'll all become history."

He purchases a few more outfits along with what they already have before heading back towards the town square. The orange hues skies above are clear proof of how long they've been at this. Kana's job should be finished by now, so he truly hopes they don't run into her again.

"Before tomorrow a couple of crucial facts need to get sorted. Most important on that list is to decide on a fitting name. Have to be called something cool for your new persona. What do you wanna go with?"

"...I would really like Frederick then. One of my favorite stories my father used to read when I was younger had a protagonist by this name. Though a mere abandoned child on the streets he fought to change his fate and that of others. His courageous spirit always did inspire me."

"I see, Frederick's not so bad. Also, we must create some kinda backstory to give you. She's bound to be a little curious eventually if you plan on getting closer to her. I figured you can say you're from a village in Quincy, and staying with my family temporarily. We can just leave it as your parents are busy working and won't be at home."

"It isn't necessary for you to go to such lengths. I don't want you getting tangled up in all of this," Wendell protests, with a frown. The cover story is a good one but he can't fathom why she'd involve herself any further. Saelufu has already done so much and now she would be fibbing as well to top it off.

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