Chapter 2: A Test Of Greed

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The town square is buzzing with activity as people go about their business on a rather pleasant afternoon. This area is visited by villagers kingdom-wide that come to sightsee what all the brilliant capital has to offer. Variety of shops to fulfill nobles' every need and a small fountain in the center where the numerous roads meet. On the edge sits the prince beside his childhood friend who eagerly listens as he explains his current engagement.

Saelufu's short stature is expected given her race though stands fairly high among her fellow dwarves. She might be little in size but that doesn't match her spunk being the complete opposite of himself. The girl wears her usual pigtails which have grown down the back since they were kids.

"Let me make sure I'm understanding all of this. Your strict mom said you can just up and call the arranged marriage off? So you don't even have to wed that Blanche girl now?"

"Yes, as long as I propose before the wedding. I could hardly believe her compassion myself."

"This works out perfectly! No need to suffer through that painful banquet and bet I know just who you wanna ask," Saelufu adds teasingly, causing him to avert his gaze.

Of course, it's obvious what person he wishes to join hands with at the altar. However, just popping the question while doubts weigh heavily on his chest won't do. He has been thinking a lot since the initial joy settled and wants to hear her opinion on this predicament.

"Um, mentioning that, do you think she-"

"Good afternoon, Your Highness, Saelufu," A sweet voice greets, and they face forward to be met with the very topic of conversation.

Kana's sepia brown complexion glows underneath the sunlight, and her calloused hands are only proof of how hard she works. Afro brunette hair stands out uniquely from other hairstyles, the colorful ribbons decorating it adds a nice touch. She is taller for a girl, two inches or so above his own height--as he is on the shorter side himself, but that by no means takes away from her charm. The ragged dress seems to draw the looks of snobbish residents though he simply admires her gentle smile.

"K-Kana, it's rare to see you here in the capital!" he stammers, her giving him a small bow. The prince always insists Kana doesn't need to act so proper with him, yet she refuses to drop such formalities. It just makes him feel more distant in a way as they're near the same age.

"Well, I'm running some errands for Mr. Fletcher. Lucille wasn't home when I came to visit and her father seemed overwhelmed with work piling up. He did offer silver coins to play an errand girl so it would be foolish to pass over that kind of pay. What business do the two of you have here today?"

"Nothing much really. Just relaxing under this nice weather we're having before another spring shower hits. Though I say we could both stretch our legs for a bit," Saelufu suggests, and the brunette gladly accepts their company.

With that, the three decide to take a stroll as Kana finishes her shopping list. Wendell can't exactly ask what he was planning to do with her walking right between them. He's just fortunate the question didn't slip where she could've overheard. The dwarf gives him a questioning glance as if curious will he speak about his new fiancee. It's best to keep the special terms under wraps but might as well inform her of the rest. This announcement is to soon be shared with the entire kingdom and he wants to observe her reaction. Well, considering there is one at all.

"Actually, prior to your arrival, I was just telling Saelufu about the new arrangement. Since I'll be ruling over the kingdom much earlier than expected, my mother thought it best for me to have a wife now. Although, rather than a typical banquet I'm to take the hand of Blanche Valenta. She's a noble daughter from Quincy and this union is supposed to be beneficial to Calestra."

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