Chapter 7: Time Of Blissful Days

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In front of the capital gate, Wendell and Saelufu chat while waiting for their friend to arrive. Now down to mere minutes until the festive yearly parade will commence, yet the cheerful girl is nowhere to be seen. His mother strictly ordered him to return before dark but made an exception for this event, because it's held near home. Families of all sizes are making their way toward the destination as he glances at his pocket watch.

"Kana is running a tad late."

"I'm sure she'll be here soon enough. Mentioning her, I am surprised Kana asked just Frederick here and not you."

"Well she did but I had already agreed he would go. Still, I suppose it works better this way."

After all, to discover Kana's true feelings he'll need her to spend more time with his secret identity as possible. They took their first step at friendship when she invited him over for supper earlier this week. He had planned to swap so he wouldn't be forced to turn down her invitation. Though considering the parade doesn't last very long, it's less of a hassle to have only Frederick attend.

"Oh, I actually signed up for the swordsmanship class at the Royal Warriors Association. Luckily, I caught them the last day before acceptance was closed. I wanted to resume my combat lessons and you're well aware of Roland's recent passing," Wendell informs, changing the subject, this peaking the dwarf's interest.

"It is unfortunate to lose another person so soon after your father," she mumbles, and he did share a tight bond with the aged man instructing him for over two years. "I'm surprised you didn't just request another private trainer. That would be much easier and one of them is probably more experienced."

"...There's been a lot on my mother's plate as of late so I wanted to train there temporarily while things get sorted out. Then I'll return to doing my swordsmanship lessons at home. Besides, going to the schoolhouse made me curious what attending an elite academy will be like."

Some truth lies in his answer though he's not sharing with her the full details surrounding it. Wendell promised his mother not to tell a single soul about their near future battle. This also includes his best friend, therefore, the prince needs to be careful not to let anything slip.

"...I see. The Royal Warriors Association is a place where the majority of soldiers graduated so their lessons should still come in handy. Similar to school, that course will be much different--especially enrolling as yourself, but I'm sure you can handle it!" she brightly encourages, and Wendell is almost certain the dwarf knows he's hiding something.

Maybe she's deciding not to pry for any information right now...

"Hey, you guys! I'm sorry...for the wait!" Kana runs up to join them clearly winded with the beats of sweat visible despite the evening breeze.

"You're finally here. What took you so long?" Saelufu questions. "I almost thought you forgot all about our plans."

"...I had only laid down to take a small nap and kinda overslept," she admits, wearing an awkward smile.

Yet again, Kana had to be out working in this miserable heat similar to yesterday.
Running around town even on the weekends must be tiresome, though he is aware she probably can't afford to take days off. Not until the aid is delivered at least, but since other families are struggling, it could be quite the delay.

I hope she isn't pushing herself too hard. Given Kana doesn't know Frederick very well, she may just dismiss my concerns if I breach the topic. Furthermore, she seems to be under stress trying to balance work, education, and home life...

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