Chapter 13: One Special Request

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Beginning to stroll through the large vineyard, the male's hands turn oddly clammy. It's not often that Alphonse gets nervous but currently feels like his heart is beating out of his chest. These obvious signs prove just how strong of an impact this girl has made on him.

And right in the center stands a single flower whose beauty matches that of a painting. Motionless, she stares up at the late evening sky when her golden eyes suddenly lock with his own. There's not another figure anywhere in sight as if the vineyard is reserved for them solely.

"I've been waiting for you. So what do you want to ask me?" Lucille questions, her warm smile helping ease his nerves a bit.

It's far too late to even attempt backing out now. Besides, the plan he devised seemed to fit Kana's approval, so it should be okay with her as well. He didn't ever imagine viewing Lucille in a romantic light until one small act they put on changed everything...

A few weeks ago, Alphonse zoomed down the typical crowded road in Opal Forten. The teen struggled to maneuver around people so he wouldn't be stuck waiting for the next train. Another shower could happen soon based on the dreary skies, and stuck with moist clothes the ride home was sure to put him in a foul mood.

"Hi, Alphonse!"

The loud greeting caused his head to quickly snap toward the source. From behind approached a familiar noble girl that was the exact opposite of the terrible weather. This would mark the first time he has run into her when Kana wasn't with them.

"Lucille, I didn't expect to see you here."

"I can say the same to you. Where are you headed in such a rush?"

"Just the station. I want to catch this train since a second storm might be passing through. I stopped by to give Kana a surprise visit but she's sick and I couldn't stay long," he tiredly answered. Though he wasn't blaming her for falling ill, it made sense to check beforehand with future trips.

"Ah, I see. A bummer you came all this way to go straight back home. I was at the community vineyard for a while, because it's my usual place when I wanna relax. I'm about to head home myself but..." her voice trailed off. The once bright smile she wore vanished in the flash of an instant, like a bolt of lightning had struck her. Not a sight he ever witnessed since the little time he had known her.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, my parents have been nagging me about my love life as of late. They've been trying their darndest to pick me out a decent suitor I can wed come next year. It got so bothersome that I ended up telling an itty bitty fib," she explained, and the girl made a little space between her fingers, yet somehow, he felt the lie was much bigger than that.

"I claimed to already have someone that I love dearly and their assistance isn't needed anymore. It kept them off of my back for a span but now they wish..." Lucille failed to finish yet again, and a deep sigh escaped her lips. She said the lie was a tiny one though that wasn't the case with the long-term consequences. He couldn't exactly relate given any strict overbearing parents are absent in his home.

"That sounds rough. No matter the outcome, you can't keep running forever. You'll just have to fess up and tell the truth at some point."

"Ugh, I cannot deal with them arranging arrogant snobs to court me every weekend. All in hopes I marry the perfect man of their dreams. If only I was able to find someone who can act as this fake soulmate of mine. The ultimate trickery that could grant me temporary freedom..." The girl paced lost in deep thought, but he didn't like where this conversation was going. Alphonse slowly backed away and then made a sharp spin on his feet. If he stayed around much longer it would force him into a position the male wanted no part in.

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