Ω°Do Mi Ti°Ω

829 21 32

"Is she there?"

"Yes, Sheriff."

The man with a long white beard sat in front of the table.

"Leave me with darlin over here."

The old man said as the rookie boy nodded and closed the door.

The pale girl wrapped with a fluffy blanket trembled as she looks down.

"H-Hey sheriff..."

"Hello, there darlin. You can call me uncle, after all I'm your best friends good ol daddy-yow."

The old man smiled as the pale girl immediately softened.

"So... Tell me, Ms. Wang ... Or should I call you Shuhua darlin?"

Shuhua looked at the sheriff.

"Y-You can call me Shuhua, uncle..."

The old sheriff placed his hand over hers.

"My dear girl, I don't know the answer to those questions inside your head
But trust me, I'll help you in anyways I can."

Shuhua nods.

"I'll read the names of the girls who locked you up for 8 months, is that alright?"


"Let's start with Cho Miyeon, the daughter of the famous businessman Mr. Cho Devon."

"T-The je-jewel freak..."

"*Nods* next is Nicha Yontararak, Daughter of two famous Painters, how unlucky you are to make her obsess with you."


"Seo Soojin, it says here she's a sweetheart, every one of your classmates and teachers said so, but inside she's a masochist."

"T-That's true..."

"Jeon Soyeon, The violent student, beats up everyone who judges her or even stares at her for a second, here, we took a picture inside her room."

The pale girl grabbed the photograph.

The room was filled with red... Paint?


It was probably blood.

Wang Shuhua written in blood on every wall of her room.

"W-Who's blo--"

"It's hers. She slit her wrist to use her own blood to write your name on the walls."

The pale girl looked down and pushed the photograph back to the sheriff.

"Song Yuqi, president of the photography club... A billion of your pictures are seen inside her room."

The pale girl gulped.

"These girls are absolutely nut job! Why the hell would they do such things to a precious girl?"

Shuhua stayed quiet.

"Listen kid, I'm sorry that it took me weeks to find out they were keeping you as an hostage... Only now I saved you but you are probably traumatized."

The sheriff sighed as Shuhua looks away.

"Your brothers are in the hospital, they want to visit my daughter so yeah..."

The sheriff stood up.

"Perhaps you want to see where they are now?"

"W-What do you m-ean?"

"Follow me."

The pale girl stood up and followed the sheriff to his car.

"They are held in an asylum."

Sitting inside, the sheriff grabbed the cassette, and gave it to Shuhua who gasped.

"Y-You know this song?"

The pale girl asked.

The sheriff smiled.

"It's my husband's favorite song."

The pale girl closed her eyes.

"I met you in Avalon..."

Shuhua whispered along with the music.

"You Are One Step Closer To Me."

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