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As the two left the academy, someone was watching them.

The cherry felt a bubbling feeling inside, it felt uncomfortable and it hurts her heart.

She's so curious about what was between the two when her boyfriend called for her.


Soojin looked at her boyfriend, she hates to admit it but... She doesn't feel the same way about her boyfriend anymore.

The more time she spends time with Shuhua on lunch giving her some foods she cooks, new recipes, and everything made her happier.

She could feel herself blush just at the thought of the pale girl alone, her fluffy-looking cheeks when she smiles is her favorite thing to see every lunchtime.

She couldn't wait until Monday hits again so she could cook the pale girl a new recipe she thought of.

She got into her boyfriend's car who asked for a kiss but she just looks away and avoided eye contact with the boy.

The cherry sighed and looked down at her phone.

Monday was too long... She wants to see her now, later, maybe tomorrow, there's no way she'll wait for two days until Monday hits!

So she made an idea.

Shuhua, I was thinking if you are free tomorrow would you like to go to my house and have lunch together? I wanted to see if my new recipes are good enough to compete in the festival.

The cherry waits for the pale girl to answer excitedly.

Soyeon parks the motorcycle beside Jackson's car as she helped Shuhua.

"There they are, the couple of the year!"

Wonho wiggled his eyebrows as Shuhua glared at him.

"We are not a couple!"

Shuhua shouts as she smacks Wonho's bum.

"How dare you smack my bum!"

The two bickered as Jackson peeked, he was busy setting up the table.

Soyeon didn't know why she felt disappointed hearing what Shuhua said to Wonho.

Sure she thought of Shuhua only as a friend but... Why does she wish for something more?

Shuhua grabs her hand and dragged her inside the house as Wonho closed the door.

The pale girl leads Soyeon to her bedroom as Wonho smirked.

"Have fun you two~ I'll bring condoms if--"


You can tell that the girl is a blushing mess along with the short girl who coughs and looked away as Shuhua opens the door of her room.

Soyeon gasped seeing how warm and beautiful Shuhua's room is.

The bed was cute, it has five pillows that were covered in sky-blue sheets with ocean designs, and the blanket was a design of a penguin.

Her study desk was organized, besides it was a shelf full of books.


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