Wait.. He's BACK?!

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Request from: @MctheCaikk

Again, thank you for the request! :)________________________________(3rd POV)

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Again, thank you for the request! :)
(3rd POV)

Light Steve was at the meeting at the old abandoned library, well, it's no longer abandoned and old now. The room was more better, no longer having cobwebs nor missing woods on the walls or floors! And now, the library became a meeting where all the steve leaders can come to have a meeting. While the leaders were talking about trades and stuff, Light didn't listen what the leaders were talking about, and was spaced out. (I think that's how u say it) He was thinking about Sabre, after Time told him everything, he couldn't get Sabre out of his head, or thoughts. When he thinks or spaced out, Sabre will appear in his mind, which makes him remember him, making him sad.Light was still spaced out when the Green Leader waved his hand in front of his face.

Green Leader: "Hello! Light? Earth to Light!"
Light: "Hm?"
Green Leader: "What do you think about our plans for the trades?"
Light: "Uh.."

Light looked up a little bit to see all the leaders looking at him.

Light: "Uh- I think the plans are great!"
Yellow Leader: *Sigh* "You weren't even paying attention, plus you act a lot like Sabre.."

Light stiffen after Yellow Leader said Sabre's name.

Light: "Look, I'm sorry but-"
Violet Leader: "Look, we know you have a lot in mind, but could you please try to focus on our meeting for now?"
Light: *Sigh*

Light put both hands on his forehead and moved his hand up into his hair, ruffling his head at the process.

M: "Look, everyone is going through something, or more than something secretly. So Violet Leader, you don't even know what he's going through."

M looked at the leaders, and then at Light.

M: "If you would like to leave to get fresh air, I'm ok with it. Or if you want to mention some things that your dealing with, I'm ok with that too."

Light looked at the leaders and M. He took a deep breath and let it out. He putted his hands down from his head onto the table.

Light: "I guess..... I guess, I could tell you, all of you what's been bothering me for the past few days.."
Blue Leader: "Wait, this has been happening for DAYS?! And you didn't even tell ANYONE?!"
Light: Look! I didn't know if you guys were able to help or solve this this problem!"
Indigo Leader: "So what's been bothering you Light?"

Light hesitated for a minute or two before taking another breath in and out.

Light: "Lately, I've been thinking about Sabre.. And before you say "Why are you thinking about him", I don't know why, but he keeps appearing out of nowhere, like in my mind when I'm trying to think of something, and when I'm patrolling around the Yellow Kingdom, or visiting the Orange Kingdom, he would appear out of nowhere. I would always think that he's there and run towards him, but he would disappear when I get near him. I- I- *Sigh* I'm just confused and sad.. I still miss Sabre and now I'm seeing him everywhere!"

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