Fishing Partners

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Hey wassup wassup.

Wasn't able to make the chapter yesterday after stuff happened but here I am! :D

Now this request has no details of which character it is, like from Steve Saga or Rainbow Quest. So I guess I'll choose which character it is for this chapter.

But thank you for the request! Maria6244714

Welp now it finally highlights your @ orange- ;-;


Ship: RQ Galaxy x Reader

(Not enough information if it's supposed to be fluff, romantic, or angst so I chose wholesome)

Timeline: Rainbow Quest

This time, you actually live secluded from others but you didn't mind cause your a Disney princess/prince- just kidding TvT

Place: A huge random forest with a beautiful pond in the center of it

Note: There will be lots of 'you' in this chapter TvT

!Animals are now real such as deers and etc!


Birds chirp as they flew peacefully in the forest from one tree to another. Animals thrived and scavenged for food. The sunlight breaches through the treetops, letting some light shine on the forest's floor. The forest was fully alive and thriving. And in the middle of the huge forest is a beautiful pond with a waterfall coming down and a stream leading out of the pond.

There was also a house, made out of both wood and stone bricks with some vines on the house, along with a glass window that brings a beautiful view of the pond. There were a few flowers and tall grass surrounding the house along with hanging lantern poles near both the house and the pond. There was a little dock in the pond as well as a boat near the dock.

A group of deers were slowly walking around scavenging for food and waiting for something, or someone. But then the noise of bushes rustling caused all the deers to be on alert. A purple blue being stumbled out of the bushes mumbling a bit angrily as he removes branches clingy on his clothing and ruffling his hair to get the little branches and leafs out of his hair. He looks around and sees the deers who were staring at him on high alert. But the house caught his attention, he didn't expect someone to live in a huge forest secluded from others.

He walks closer to the house as the deers slowly continue scavenging for food but still on high alert. Curiosity gets the best of him and he knocks on the door, only to have no one open the door. He hesitates but knocks on the door again only to receive the same answer.

All of a sudden, he hears something splash in the lake and quickly turns to look at what made the noise. Only to see someone with a fishing pole rushing to the pond and cast their bait into the pond. He looks at the person, first noticing that they're a Non-Steve, and noticing how beautiful they are.

But being him, he didn't know if he should approach them or shout or just leave them alone. Although, he did want to talk to them since they looked like they do enjoy fishing. So gathering enough courage, he walks to them. Though, his feet may have given him away as the person turned around quickly to see him. There he could see their face fully, their beautiful h/c and e/c almost seemed , causing his heart to beat faster. But he didn't make any sign of quick reaction as he stand still.

(Your POV)

Y/N: "Hi..?" You ask unsure if he was friendly or not.

Galaxy: "Hi! I'm Galaxy Steve, what's your name?" He ask in a happy voice.

You look at him a bit suspicious but Galaxy assures you that he comes with no harm.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N." You hesitated. "Are you a.. being or a entity..?" You ask a bit hesitant on asking him since you didn't want to be rude.

Galaxy: "I'm a being, but I go by as a "Steve". Beings that have powers but I tend to use them for good or for my needs."

Y/N: "A "Steve"? Huh, I think I've heard of them before.."

You see him nods along with his eyes trailing to your fishing pole you held. You could see that he's very curious.

Galaxy: "So, you live alone in this forest?"

You nod.

Galaxy: "Why is that?"

You shrugged

Y/N: "I just prefer to live alone, secluded from others and it lowers the chances of being caught between conflicts."

You could see him nodding in understanding. You were a bit curious now, you've actually heard of stories about "Steves" but usually the colorful ones, like the Red Steves and Green Steves. But never a "Galaxy" one. But at the same time they can develop like animals in their new environment.

Galaxy: "So, do you like fishing?"

You blinked for a few times to stop thinking and nod.

Y/N: "Yes, I actually love fishing!" You said with a hint of excitement.

He smiles and takes a fishing pole out which surprises you.

Galaxy: "I love fishing too! I also have a favorite fishing spot, but I decided to try other fishing spots."

Y/N: "Ohhh. So that explains why your this deep into the forest. It's a huge forest by the way."

Galaxy: "Ohh I see, well is it possible.. I could fish with you?" He ask with hesitation.

You laughed a little and said yes. You face back to the pond where your lure was floating while Galaxy walks next to you and casts his bait into the water. Both of you remained quiet for a while from the awkwardness but you decided to break the silence. You ask him where he came from and what powers he holds along with why he's a "Galaxy" Steve. For him to answer back with.

"I came from a far away place. My powers are basically the typical teleporting and flight, along with lightning and more. And well.. It's kinda complicated to explain but I do look like a galaxy if you think about it."

Which you did agree with him. He looks like a galaxy and you actually admire his looks. Both of you continue making small talk and him making a few jokes and being funny, along with catching different fish from cods to actually pufferfish. Although you were a bit concerned when Galaxy ate a pufferfish, but he said he was fine and had some sort of immune against the pufferfish's poison.

Although you preferred to be alone, you actually enjoyed his company, his funny jokes and his little obsession with pufferfish. You both started becoming great friends quickly as you two shared some past stuffs in your lives to each other.

At the end of the day when the sky turns orange, you both bring your catches inside the house. But then he taps you on the shoulder as you were about to sort the catch in chests. You look at him.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Galaxy: "I'm going to have to go soon Y/N.. But I'll visit you tomorrow though, I promise!"

Something in you made you feel sad that he was leaving but you were happy that he'll come back tomorrow.

Y/N: "I understand, and well I had fun today. I'm sorry if I'm not really an active person who's like you, I'm just not used to talking to people.."

Galaxy: "Oh no its fine! And you just be you. Also can I do something before we both say goodbye?" He asks happily.

Y/N: "Um.. sure?" You answer very confused on what he meant.

He quickly kisses you on the cheek and says his goodbye before teleporting away. Leaving you blushing from the sudden action.


First time doing an x reader chapter! It isn't the greatest but I tried my best and finished it.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and please request, I will love to type out your requests!

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