Smol Bean

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Thank you for the request again!

This take place when M is the leader of the red steves and when Sabre is fulfilling his promise/deal he made with Pf. Red.
And it's night time.
(3rd POV)

M was reading a book, which he already read. When he heard rapid knocks on his door. He got up, walked over there, and opens the door to see Pf. Red. Confusion M asks them.

M: "Uh Pf. Red..? What are you doing here late this night..?
Pf. Red: "I would like to ask you why your staying up, it's not proper for leaders to stay up. But I got important things to do, have you seen Sabre around? Or a potion?"
M: "What- why? What happened to Sabre?!"
Pf. Red: "Well, I was just taking more blood example, and I told him he could go.. but the thing is that I told him to grab a potion of healing, worried for his health and stuff.."
M: "And..?"
Pf. Red: "Uh, so- the thing is that, when I went to check the potion wall, I realized that the healing potion was here still, and was the only one left.. but one of my potion, that I haven't labeled yet! Is missing.."
M: ".... So your telling me that Sabre grab the wrong potion, and not only that, drank it!?"
Pf. Red: "Yes! By my calculation, he drank it, but I'll keep a look out for him. You should too."
M: "Fine.."

Pf. Red walks away and M closes the door. Worried for Sabre, M decided to walk around the kingdom. He went out of his house and started walking into the forest.

(Few Minutes Later)

M: *sighs* 'This is taking too long!!'

He sat down, laying next to a tree, resting.

M: 'Where is he..' He thought.

M felt tired and started to drift to sleep when he heard quiet cries. M jerked awake and looked around. He heard the bushes move right next to him, and he got up immediately. The figure came out of the bushes, crying. M didn't know what to do but he crouched down to their height and looked at them. He couldn't get a good view but he knew they were injured.

M: "H-Hey, it's ok.. I'm here, you may not know me but I'm friendly, are you hurt or something..?"

The child looked up to them and immediately hugged him. M sighs and picked them up and tp them to his house silently, not wanting to scare the child. M putted the child on the couch and looked at them.

M: "Wait a second.. Sabre?!"

The child heard his name being called and looked up.

Sabre: "M..!"

Sabre had a huge nasty cut on his leg and M went to get bandages and a bowl of water with a towel. M came back and started cleaning Sabre's wounds, which stung for him, making him cry more. M finished cleaning Sabre's wounds and wrapped it up with bandages and went to put the bowl with the towel in the kitchen. He came back and checked Sabre to see if he had any wounds.

M: "How did you turn into a child..? Was it that potion you grabbed by accident instead of the healing potion..?"

Sabre looked up at him and nods. M sighs and patted his head, which had a messy hair. Sabre smiles and squeaks.

M: "Awww, your adorable this way.."

Sabre hits M in a friendly way and M smiles at that.

M: "Why don't we get you wash, you were probably dirty from outside.."

M picks up the smol bean and brought him to the bathroom, filling the bathtub halfway due to Sabre's shortness and put a bottle of bubbles and squirts it in.

M: "Do you know how to take your clothes off..?"

Sabre nods.

M: "Ok, I'm gonna need you to take your clothes off and go into the bathtub, just call me when you get into the bathtub ok?"

Sabre nods. M then leaves the bathroom and waits.

Sabre: Wou cwan cwome win!"

M came into the room to see Sabre playing with the bubbles and the water which made M smile. M grabbed a bottle of shampoo and pour it into his hand then started scrubbing Sabre's head. Sabre closes his eyes and stands still until M finished washing his hair. He finishes washing his hair and washes the shampoo off of Sabre's head, then picked him up with a towel, drying him off. He then drains the water in the bathtub and went to get new clothes for Sabre to wear.

M: "There we go. Here's some clothes for you, when your done wearing, just come on out ok?"
Sabre: "Owkay."

M walks out of the bathroom and sits down, waiting for Sabre to come out. Sabre comes out of the bathroom with a red shirt and grey baggy  pants. M picks Sabre up and brings him to his bedroom and sets him down on his bed, then leaving.

Sabre: "M..!"
M: "..?"
Sabre: "A-Afwaid to sweep.."

M sighs and gets on the bed and lays down. Which Sabre snuggled closer to him, giggling a little. M smiles at that and they both drift to sleep.

(3rd POV)

Pf. Red knocks on M's door to hear a loud crash inside. He got worried and opens the door to see M and child Sabre trying to cook something together.

Pf. Red: "Hello M, it seems that you managed to find Sabre.."
M: "Yup! And apparently he's a trouble maker as a child!"

Sabre sticks his tongue at him. Which surprised M.

M: "How long until this potion effect wears off, or is there a cure..?"
Pf. Red: "Like any potion, it wears off but it may take a day or two for it to wear off.."
M: "Oh, well I guess I'm adopting Sabre until the potion wears off."
Pf. Red: "Well good luck with taking care of him, I'll be going."

Pf. Red leaves, closing the door on his way out. Sabre sees a knife.

Sabre: :0 >:)

Sabre grabs the knife. M turns around to see Sabre holding a knife and running around.

M: "Sabre! No!"

M chases Sabre around until he managed to catch him, from running and dodging him for who knows how many times. M sighs and smiles and Sabre, who was laughing.
WO! Am back from the ded, feelin good!

Am sorry for the hold up and me not responding to any comments, crap happened and I haven't posted anything on YT yet, but anywho..

I'm back on track!

Words, 1108

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