Enemy's To Lovers

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Thank you again for the request :)

Takes place at the Rainbow Town.

I also don't remember much from Steve Saga, but I'll try to remember though
(3rd POV)

Rainbow Steve, Lucas, and Sabre were in the Rainbow Town as usual, doing their own things. Sabre working on a machine to trap Nightmare Steve, Lucas opening chests to check if they have enough materials, and Rainbow Steve is just sitting on the Rainbow Tree of Life (RTOL, I think that's how you spell it short) thinking about something, or mostly someone. He pulled out a book and started to write in it about who he was thinking.

(Rainbow POV)

Rainbow: 'I just don't know why I have this feeling when I see Nightmare, it's like there's butterflies in my stomach and I can't just help it. I would also feel my face heat up when I see Nightmare and just can't help it but stare at him. I don't know this feeling, maybe the others know this feeling. But they can't know that I have some sort of feelings when I see Nightmare! Maybe I could ask them about it and say "I was curious". Yeah, I could do that!'

I stopped writing and putted the book away. I got up from the RTOL and flew to Sabre and Lucas. I landed in the Steve Temple and the others turned their head away from the machine to me.

(3rd POV)

Sabre: "Oh hey Rainbow! How are you doing?"
Rainbow: "Doing good. Hey I have a question that I was wondering about."
Sabre: "Oh, what's your question?"

Rainbow took a deep breath and breath out.

Rainbow: "What does it feel like when you find someone attractive, like you falling for them, like love.."
Sabre: "Oh, well when falling in love with someone, it's like having butterflies in your stomach, your feeling your grace heat up, and admire them. Why do you ask though? Is it because..?"

Sabre winked at Rainbow, letting Rainbow know what he was thinking about.

Rainbow: "No no no no no no! I was just curious about it!"
Sabre: "Sure~"

Sabre teased Rainbow which made Rainbow embarrassed and made his cheeks bright red.

Sabre: "Well, whoever it is, I'm sure I'll accept them."
Lucas: "Yeah right!"
Sabre: "Hey!"

Sabre turned to look at Lucas and looked back at Rainbow.

Sabre: "Whoever it is, just confess to them. I'm sure they'll have the same feelings for you."

Rainbow: 'Yeah right..'

Sabre: "Hey Rainbow, I gotta keep building the machine, so.."
Rainbow: "Oh ok! Thank you though!"
Sabre: "No problem Rainbow!"

Rainbow flew back to the RTOL and sat back down, opening his book and writing in it.

Rainbow: 'Nightmare Steve won't even have the same feelings for me, he probably hates me since we're enemies... Unless... He does have feelings for me..'

Rainbow thought about the possibilities and wrote it all down in his book.
Nightmare was in his castle (I think he has a castle) sitting in his throne room, wondering about 'this type' of feeling. He doesn't even know why he kept getting 'this feeling' when he see's Rainbow. He doesn't even know 'what' this feeling is at all. He would feel little butterflies in his stomach, and he were admire him sometimes. He also felt sad or hurt when he accidentally hit or wounded Rainbow. He doesn't know why this is happening to him, he wanted to know, he wanted to find out what 'these' feelings are.

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