Training Together

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Thanks for the request! EmmaRobertson4

The title was a bit hard to come up with cause brain wasn't properly functioning TvT


Ship: Beef x Colle (Romantic)

Timeline: Steve Legends

Place: Desert Village


Beef and Colle were training to prepare themselves as the situation of the fire dragon called the Last Inferno has wrecked havoc on the Desert Village. Luckily, the Last Inferno fled and won't be back for now, but Beef and Colle took this opportunity to train as much as they can before another attack happens.

They both fought each other as the sun shines on them, they both breathe heavily as they slowly become tired along with sweating. Barely any clouds in the sky only the sun that's high up.

Colle quickly jumps at Beef with his sword raised up but Beef rolls out of the way and blocks Colle's swing attack with his shield before trying to stab Colle. Luckily, Colle managed to roll away and face him fully. Both stared at each other, their shields and sword ready at any moment. Colle then makes a move and approaches him slowly, walking sideways as Beef also did the same. They both circled around a little bit before Beef runs towards him quickly and uses his shield to slam against Colle, but he remains standing as he uses his shield to protect himself. Colle the slashes only to hit Beef's shield. But with this opportunity, Beef slams his shield again against Colle causing him to fall down fully onto the hot golden sand

Colle groans as he looks up to see Beef pointing his sword at him. He smiles cheekily as Colle chuckles, he thought it was cute.

Colle: "Alright alright.. I lost.." He said tiredly as the sun shines on them both.

Beef: "Yeah.."

Before Beef could hold his hand out for Colle, Colle swipes Beef off of his feet with his leg and he falls down in the sand. Beef wince in pain before hearing Colle laughing.

Beef: "Hey..! That doesn't count." He said in an annoyed tone.

Colle: "It does so! It's called an "element of surprise"." He states.

They both look at each other, seeing that they're literally tired, and laughed. Beef enjoyed spending some time with Colle, and Colle just couldn't help but admire Beef. His advance swordsmanship and advance tactical thinking. Beef gets up slowly and holds out a hand for Colle, who took it and was pulled up to his feet.

Colle: "Thanks."

Beef: "No problem."

Colle's heart raced a little as he felt Beef's hand intertwined with his hand, but it doesn't last long as Beef lets go and gestures to follow him to go inside the pyramid, which he did. Both entered the pyramid and felt a bit of coolness and the shade of what the building provided. They both breath as Beef grabs two glass bottles with water in it and hands one to Colle who said thanks and drinks it.

The fresh cool feeling travels down his throat as he drinks the water and slowly finishing it. He wipes his mouth and put the glass bottle away in his inventory. Knowing that they'll going to have to get more water. He looks at Beef who's drinking his water. He couldn't help but admire him again but looks away as he feels his face heating up a little. He quickly questioned himself if he's actually falling for him. For the Red Steve he calls a friend. He's been having this type of feeling for awhile and has been preventing it from showing.

He looks back at Beef who just finished his water and put away the empty glass bottle. Colle wanted to tell Beef about his feelings but he doesn't know when he should do it now that the Last Inferno is causing trouble. He remains in his thoughts before feeling a tap on his shoulder.

Beef: "Colle? Are you ok?" He ask concerned.

Colle: "Oh- yeah. I'm ok, just thinking about, everything.."

Beef: "Oh I see."

It is true of what Colle said, but he also had something else in mind. Then a thought hit him. As Beef was still concerned, Colle pulls him closer, causing Beef to become confused before being shocked as Colle kisses him passionately. Slowly Beef kisses back and slowly pushes Colle against the wall and after a few minutes, they both break the kiss. Both look at each other for a minute before Beef broke the silence.

Beef: "I'm impressed.." He said quietly as Colle smirks.

Colle: "Didn't expect you to kiss back." He laughs a little.

Beef rolls his eyes and sees Colle leaning in for another kiss before hearing someone clearing their throat. Both quickly backed away from each other and looked to see the Desert Apprentice, Goggles, and the Desert Leader staring at them. Both became embarrassed as the three congratulated them.

Colle: "Wasn't really thinking anyone was nearby.." He mumbles in embarrassed as Beef chuckles before kissing Colle on the cheek.

Beef: "Love you Colle." He said teasingly.

Colle: "Love you too Beef." He said back smiling happily.


Hiiii sorry I didn't know what else to type. I could have done a Time Skip but I didn't know what else I can type for this chapter T-T

Short chapter but I tried my best to make it long! AAA-

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