Two Dimensions

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I'm so sorry for the hold up! Like literally sorry! But I did work on your chapter that you wanted. I was kind of having situations of understanding what you wanted but I think I got it. And I was also having a hard time coming up with a good title for this chapter too. TvT

I hope you like it! :D

This is just an AU that they requested, not a ship.
Sabre walks around in his new home, full of hybrids and other mystical creatures, including people. But some of the people have powers such as shapeshifting and etc. He loved it here, although he missed his friends. What he didn't know was when he was going through the portal, his friends were curious and went through the portal on the other side.

Sabre felt alone, but he was still happy because he had the company of the Sky People. Who were able to travel to his world and back to the Steve Realm.

Although, he managed to develop powers such as teleportation, creating small things, and summoning lightning. The Sky People did tell him that his powers weren't fully developed, which surprised Sabre. The Sky People also told him that his friends were the Steve Realm since they went through the portal from curiosity, at the same time as Sabre went through the portal.

As he was sitting on the couch while the Sky People were eating a piece of cookie, he sighed and looked at them.

Sabre: "Hey, could you send a message to my friends by any chance?"

Sky People: *finishes the cookie and nods*

Sabre: "Great! Can you tell them, "Hey guys! I really missed you and hope your having a great time over there. I'm kinda bored and lonely but I still have the Sky People with me and I'm doing great! I'm hoping you are able to find a way back here. Please send a message back, I'm bored and lonely, plus I need to learn how to use my powers! Thanks!"."

Sabre watches the Sky People teleport away, excited to receive a message from them.

(With Sabre's Friends)

(A/N) Note:

I don't really know all of his friends so I'll just include Tewtiy, Lucas, Jerome, Dropsy, and Ryan. I'm not sure if Dropsy is one of Sabre's friends but I guess I'll consider it. I'm not including Sabre's friends from the Daycare cause I'm pretty sure he stopped talking to them. I don't know, if I'm wrong, please correct me so I'll remember next time TvT

I'll explain what hybrid or what powers Sabre's friend have.

Tewity: Has the ability to fly and teleport.

Lucas: Has the ability to shapeshift into a horse and summon lightning.

Dropsy: The ability to heal and grow plants/flowers (I don't know what the power is called TvT)

Jerome: A hybrid of Chewbacca (Cause why not-)

Ryan: Shapeshifting powers.

(Not the best at giving what type of powers nor what hybrid they would be, so I tried my best- TvT)


Tewtiy and Lucas were sitting on the couch talking about the steves when somehow, Sabre came bursting into the house. They both looked at him and he transformed into Ryan.

Lucas: "Ryan what the heck was that for!?"

Ryan: "Sorry.. Just a little stressful about the steves you know.. Man do they think I'm Sabre."

Tewtiy: "That's because you shapeshift into him. Now come sit down with us and tell us what happened."

Ryan walks and sits down on the couch with them.

Ryan: "The steves were overwhelming me with a bunch of chores.. I couldn't stand it so I said I needed to go check the chicken in my house.."

Twetiy: "So you ran all the way over here then right..?"

He nods.

Lucas: "Dang that's far.."

Dropsy and Jerome comes into the living room with a basket full of fruits and vegetables. They saw Ryan breathing hard and tired.

Jerome: "What happened to Ryan?" He said in a concerned voice.

Lucas: "He was overwhelmed by the chores the steves were giving him, so he lied to them and ran all the way back here."

Jerome: "Whoa.."

Ryan: "I don't even know how Sabre is able to handle and finish all of these chores?! I didn't know he was a chore person!"

Jerome, Lucas, Dropsy, Tewtiy: "Neither did we."

As Jerome and Dropsy quickly put the baskets down in the kitchen and coming back, the Sky People appeared.

Lucas: "Oh!"

Sky People: "We have a message from Sabre!"

Jerome: "Really?! Tell us then!"

All of them became excited that the Sky People came back and had a message from Sabre. Jerome and Dropsy quickly sat down on the couch with the others and waited.

Sky People: "He wanted me to send message to you guys, he said "Hey guys! I really missed you and hope your having a great time over there. I'm kinda bored and lonely but I still have the Sky People with me and I'm doing great! I'm hoping you are able to find a way back here. Please send a message back, I'm bored and lonely, plus I need to learn how to use my powers! Thanks!"."

The others felt guilty of going through the portal right after Sabre came out of the portal, but they were happy that Sabre was doing alright.

Sky People: "That isn't all though."

Tewtiy and the others get confused and start listening again.

Sky People: "Sabre also wanted you to know how the steves treated him."

Jerome: "How did the steves treated him..?"

Sky People: "Rude. They basically used Sabre as a tool and some thought he'll just solve the problems. Sabre was devastated and slowly started losing himself to the fact that he was able to get corrupted by Void. But luckily he fought the darkness by himself. Although he went back to the steves, they turned their backs on him, which he then did everything to make everything better. Causing him to have this pressure since a lot of steves didn't trust him anymore after he got corrupted by the darkness.."

Jerome and the others were silent. They were surprised how the steves treated Sabre and soon they felt guilt but anger rose in them as they thought about the steves treating Sabre.

Sky People: "Although the steves treated Sabre badly, there were some who treated him like a true being with feelings. That actually cared for him and his health, and will always be by his side no matter what."

Dropsy seemed to feel a little relief that at least some of the steves were kind to Sabre. But the others weren't. Instead they were angry at how the steves treated Sabre along with Ryan the most. After all he does shapeshift into Sabre and talk to the steves. Ryan gets up from the couch.

Ryan: "Thank you for telling us that Sky People. I must be going now though. I have something important to do."

The others including the Sky People nodded and Ryan left the house. He quickly shapeshift into Sabre and headed to where the steves lived.

Ryan: 'I'm going to be asking a lot of questions from them, and I want honest answers of how they acted to Sabre.' He thought angrily.


Hey hey, this is an AU! and I hope you like it, if you want part 2 then just tell me


Words, 1187

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