The Escape from Below

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This is just an Au! of what if Nightmare came back alive but a way different person?

Hope you enjoy this little Au!

This place takes place near the Yellow Kingdom, and it's winter so it's snowing.


A yellow steve was walking in a forest, bored as usual. He wanted to explore the place, not caring if anyone tried stopping him. And yes, he may have caused a lot of problems such as setting houses or fields on fire. And now he was going to try and find something else to cause chaos on, since he got really bored from creating little destruction in the Yellow Kingdom.

As he continues walking, a portal appears out of nowhere, scaring the yellow steve. He managed to see a demon steve coming out of the portal injured, but it looked at him and immediately tackled him and all he saw was nothing but pitch black. He felt motionless but then as he opened his eyes, he was standing in front of an indigo steve and realized he died.


(Nightmare's POV)

Nightmare: 'Come on keep walking!' He thought to himself.

After absorbing a random yellow steve, he was able to transform himself into a normal looking yellow steve, but was cold and still too weak to do anything but slowly walk, or limp. As he walked and approached a little stream. That wasn't frozen yet. His whole entire body gave up on him and he fell into the stream.

Nightmare: "Crap!"

He slowly drags himself out of the little stream and is completely wet. Now he shivers, feeling even more colder now.

Nightmare: "Oh you got to be kidding me.."

He thought the yellow steve would be strong or at least capable of survival, such as not being able to feel cold after being wet from water, but nope, he has to absorb a weak yellow steve. As he slowly rose up to his feet he fell down immediately after taking the first step.

Nightmare: 'Come on stupid body! You prepared yourself for this and this is it?! I might as well die due to the coldness and go back to the World Below!'

As he thought to himself angrily, he heard a stick break and quickly looked around to see the True Yellow King, or now known as Yellow Leader. He was wearing a yellow fancy looking suit along with black pants, but also wearing a red cape around him to keep himself warm.

Nightmare: 'Great, it's him.' He thought angrily.

Yellow Leader quickly helps Nightmare up.

Yellow Leader: "My goodness, are you alright?"

Nightmare was about to answer him back rudely but realized that Yellow Leader may get suspicious of him and knew he had to act kind in order to earn his trust. Which he hates being kind and weak.

Nightmare: "Um- Yeah I'm alright.. My legs just gave up on me and I kinda fell into the stream.."

Yellow Leader: "Well it doesn't seem like you 'kinda' fell into the stream. Your probably freezing to death after falling into the small stream!"

Nightmare: 'Oh really, wonder how you figure that out. Plus don't consider this as a truce, I'll kill you anyways once I get stronger of course. Then I'll be the new leader of the yellow steves.' He thought to himself.

Yellow Leader quickly took his cape off and put it on Nightmare which surprised him. He then felt the warmness from the cape.

Nightmare: "Ok now this feels nice.." He said his thoughts out loud.

Yellow Leader: "Glad you feel comfy and warm. Let's head back to the Yellow Kingdom, shall we?"

His thoughts were yelling 'NO' but he just nods yes.

Yellow Leader then starts leading them both towards the Yellow Kingdom.

(Time Skip brought to you by my [REDACTED])

Yellow Leader led Nightmare into the castle. As Nightmare looks around, trying to map the whole entire inside of the castle for plans, he was led to a room.

Yellow Leader: "Here, you can stay here until you feel better. It will be wise to make sure that you won't get sick since it is very cold out there."

Nightmare: 'HA! Do you think I can't handle the cold?! No way!'

Yellow Leader: "I see, your one of those quiet ones. Well then, I should get going now, I have duties to do. I'll see you later um.."

Nightmare: 'Crap! Uh-'

Nightmare: "M-My name is.. Soric."

Yellow Leader: "Hm.. Never heard of a yellow steve name Soric.. But I don't know all of the yellow steves.. Well, it's nice to meet you Soric. But please, next time don't go out without a jacket or something."

Nightmare/Soric: "Ok then.. Sorry about that.."

Yellow Leader: "It's ok, just rest here now until you fully healed up."

Yellow Leader leaves the room, leaving Nightmare alone in the room. As Nightmare sighs, he then sits down on the bed tired and weak, but also very cold. He quickly lays on the bed, putting the blankets above him as he slowly dozed off from being comfortable, with blankets on him and a nice cozy bed.

Nightmare: "I'll just come up with a plan tomorrow.. For right now I'll just sleep and rest.."

He finally dozed off.

(The Next Day cause I'm bored)

Nightmare woke up, he saw a tray of breakfast on a table next to his bed. He gets up and quickly grabs the tray.

Nightmare/Soric: 'At least I get free food for now though..'

He started eating breakfast. The dish contained scrambled eggs along with bacons and orange juice.

As he continued eating, someone knocks on the door. He quickly puts down the silverware and looks at the door. He then heard a calming voice which he knew who it is.

Yellow Leader: "Soric, are you awake? May I come in?"

Nightmare hesitated.

Nightmare/Soric: "Yeah.."

He sees the Yellow Leader coming into the room and closing the door. He sat down at the end of the bed and looked at Nightmare.

Yellow Leader: "So what were you doing out in the middle of the night in the coldness?"

Nightmare/Soric: ! "Um-.. Exploring..?"

Yellow Leader: "Exploring at night?"

Nightmare/Soric: "Yeah you know, curiosity gets the best of us, heh.."

Yellow Leader: ".. Very well then."

He gets up and walks to the door.

Yellow Leader: "Just rest up, ok?"

Nightmare nods. He then leaves the room, closing the door behind him and Nightmare sighs.

Nightmare/Soric: 'Good, now he's gone I'll be able to make my plan."
Hey hope you enjoy this yall! If you want I can make another part for this, or if you guys want, I can turn this into Nightmare x Yellow Leader or something like that.

Sorry for being gone for so long- ;-;

Words, 1133

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