Failed Yet Successful

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Been gone for a long time, whoops-

Anywho, for some reason I didn't get notifications from those who commented on this along with my messages going through. So to answer your question, no this book isn't discontinued, just been busy lately along with family type of stuff. 

Really need to organize a schedule but at the same time I only got a calendar on the wall, which I don't want none of my family seeing it, and on my phone it's just too confusing. I don't even have my own little secret calendar so I might have to do the best of my ability to just find time and work my way little by little.

But now I'll be finishing those requests and accepting more requests! (Yes I'm typing on computer)


Ship: Sharp x Goggles (Romantic)

Timeline: Steve Legends

Nothing to specific of when this happen, just a random time.

Place: Red Kingdom

!Birds are real now-!

Thank you for the request and sorry for being dead for so long! EmmaRobertson4

I'll get your request up soon! @Maria6244714


Sharp as usual was reading his book. But at the same time he wanted to have fresh air, so he decided to read outside and at the outskirts of the Red Kingdom. He preferred quiet places and since Elite is having a conversation with Colle and the others.

He sits down underneath the tree where the shade of the tree was. The wind blows gently as the grass and flowers shift slightly with the wind. Birds chirped and flew by, high in the sky. The sun shines on the opening of the field as there were barely any clouds in the sky.

His eyes trail over the words as he reads, his thoughts create scenarios as his full attention was on the book. He breathes calmly and flips to the next page of the book, loving the peaceful surroundings around him.

Goggles on the other hand, he was walking around the Red Kingdom looking for Sharp. Although he should be with Elite and the others, he wanted to find Sharp and tell him something. Or mostly ask. Now he could have asked Sharp a long time ago but he was stubborn, mostly stumped on how to actually ask him.

He decided to ask some of the Red Steves in the Kingdom if they've seen Sharp anywhere, which they all responded with the same answer.

"I'm pretty sure I saw him walking outside of the Kingdom."

"I saw him heading to the entrance of the Kingdom."

"He went to the outskirts of the Kingdom."

Goggles quickly head to the entrance and out of the Kingdom. He looks around and walks a bit further until he spots Sharp sitting underneath the tree as the shadow of the tree shades him from the sun. Quickly, he walks over to him. His excitement grew along with his anxiety, he stands in front of Sharp who didn't notice him as he remains attached to his book.

Still standing, Sharp flips a page and glimpses up to see Goggles standing there fidgeting with his fingers a little.

Sharp: "Oh hey Goggles! Shouldn't you be with Elite and the others?"

Goggles: "Yeah, but they'll understand why I'm not there. But I wanted to ask you something though." He trails off.

Sharp was a bit confused on what he meant but mostly curious on what he wanted to ask him. Goggles takes a deep breath and looks at Sharp. He fidget with his finger a bit more and starts speaking.

Goggles: "Sharp, I was wondering if- Um.. You were, you know, you were.." He stutters over his words and trails off again.

Sharp only tilt his head a little in confusion but continues listening to what Goggles had to say.

Goggles: 'Are you kidding me Goggles?! You practice and prepare yourself and now your stuttering?!' He thought to himself as he breathes.

Carefully, he grabs both Sharp's hands who was surprised from the action.

Goggles: "Sharp- I was wondering if your available tonight because I love you-" He said before letting go of Sharp's hand and realizing he just confessed his feelings.

Sharp on the other hand, was surprised from this sudden confession and smiled as he see's Goggles muttering to himself in embarrassment but also disappointed of himself.

Sharp: "Yes Goggles, I'm free tonight."

He knew what Goggles was trying to say. He could see the blush appearing on Goggles face as he laughs a little bit and smiles.

Goggles: "Really? I thought you would be confused- since you know, I kinda just had a full on meltdown."

Sharp: "I know what you meant, and I accept it."

He got up and puts a bookmark in his book and closed it. Goggles was happy that Sharp accepted his proposal yet he had failed successfully to actually ask him out on the date. He was so confident on asking Sharp out but instead Sharp figured out what he was trying to say.

Goggles: "So, um- should I tell the others?"

Sharp intertwine his free hand with one of Goggles hand and smiles.

Sharp: "I'll tell them that you and I are going to be busy tonight. And tomorrow we'll tell them." He smiles.

Goggles nods, both excited and happy.

Sharp: "When did you just started getting these feelings for me?" He ask with curiosity.

Goggles scratches the back of his head with his free hand, thinking about it before answering.

Goggles: "Actually, it was a few weeks ago when we spent time together to actually to get to know each other better."

Sharp smiles.

Sharp: "Well, thing is that I also started having those same feelings for you a few weeks ago. What a coincidence!"

They both laughed a little.

Sharp: "So, does this make us lovers?" He asks with more curiosity.

Goggles: "Definitely."

He kisses Sharp on the cheek, seeing the smart Red Steve to blush a little from the kiss. Both decided to spend some time together a little longer underneath the tree. They both sit down and Sharp leans his head onto Goggles shoulder as they watch the birds fly by and the clouds float by.

(Time Skip)

After Sharp and Goggles head back to the kingdom. Sharp went to Elite and the others and told them that him and Goggles won't be available tonight and once he left, the others looked at each other knowing that they both are probably going on a date.

Goggles managed to prepare dinner at his house as he dressed nicely and waits for Sharp to knock on the door. Once Sharp knocks on the door, he invites him in and both sat at the table and chatted while eating.

Once done eating, they both continued talking and even complimented each other's outfits. After spending a long time together, it was midnight and Sharp decides he should head back to get his beauty sleep. As he walks to the door and was about to say goodbye, Goggles gives him a kiss on the lips, which Sharp kisses back. After breaking the kiss, both said their goodbye's together and Sharp leaves his house.

Now both needed to figure out how to tell the others about themselves becoming a couple, in the morning.


Hey yall! Another short chapter, sorry. But I am getting better at typing scenes, sort of!

I just came up with this at night so yes, a bit rushed, and not really a long chapter, but I kinda like it. Except for the confession part. And this was the best thing I could come up with for romantic too. ;-;

Hope you enjoy this chapter though!

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