A Helping Hand

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Hey Hey, Blue here! I've been a lot focused on my YouTube Channel and other books I had in mind that I kinda forgot about this- Um- those who requested months ago, I'm truly sorry. I'll try and upload your requests too I promise!


Thank you for the request too! 


I will also be doing your request since I haven't for the past months. I'm so sorry about not doing your requests.

But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

This takes place when Professor Red figured out that Sabre named the Red Apprentice M.

(Note: I have poor memory, but I think it was when Professor Red saw the chaos that Sabre and Elemental Steve caused when battling each other)


Professor Red was trying his best to organize his laboratory. Although, he kept losing track of where he put the stuff at. He did have Assistant Steve, but he was recharging in his station. Luckily the Red Leader came into his laboratory along with the Red Assistant, also known as M since Sabre called him that.

As the Red Leader and Professor Red were talking to each other, the Red Leader insisted that his apprentice help Professor Red on organizing his laboratory, which he agreed. 

As the Red Leader leaves the laboratory, leaving M and Professor Red there, M starts helping keep track of where the items were at.

While they continued organizing the laboratory, Professor Red sighed.

M: "What's wrong Professor Red?"

Professor Red: "Oh nothing. Nothings wrong."

M looks at him for a minute unsure, but shrugs and continues keeping track. Professor Red in fact lied to M. It was awkward in the atmosphere since he and M didn't talk to each other a lot after Sabre's encounter. It did hurt Professor Red though, not being able to talk to M a lot anymore.

After M became the apprentice of Red Leader, he was introduced to him when visiting Red Leader and soon felt some sort of feeling he never felt before when laying his eyes on M. He would always mess around with his fingers when meeting him or forget what he would say and just try and hang out with M as long as he can.

After they both finally finished organizing, they sat down and looked at the process they made. Each of them were holding a bottle of water along with an apple for a snack.

M: *sighs* "We finally finished organizing your laboratory Professor Red.."

Professor Red: "Indeed."

Professor Red soon felt the same feeling from before. As he breathed in and out, he looked at M. M looked back at him confused, he set down his bottle of water and his apple, concerned for Professor Red.

M: "Professor Red..? You ok?"

He didn't say anything, instead he took both of M's hands into his and looked at M's eyes. Seeing that M was utterly confused. Professor Red breaths in again.

Professor Red: "I have something to say M.. Ever since I met you for the first time, I have had these feelings every single time when I see or near you. It's like butterflies-"

M: "I'm sorry to disrupt you, but that feeling is called love.."

Professor Red looks at M confused.

M: "Your probably wondering how I know.. Well I had the same feeling and thought maybe Sabre knows what those feelings were, so I asked him and he told me that those feelings were love."

Professor Red immediately got jealous and squeezed M's hand a little. M has been spending a lot of time with Sabre. But before he could say anything, M disrupt him again.

M: "Sabre is just a friend. But after I told him about those feelings I have when around you.. He said I may have feelings for you.."

M looked away embarrassed by his sort of confession. Professor Red took a whole entire minute to process what M said.

M: "I- I think I'm in love with you Professor Red.."

Without thinking, Professor Red thoughts came pouring out of his mouth.

Professor Red: "I love you to M. Even when the first time I met you, I've fallen for you."

He then lifts one of his hands up to M's chin and makes him look back at him. Both of them stared at each other for another minute in the eyes. Professor Red then leans in, closing the gap between both of them, and kiss M on the lips.

M was surprised but kissed back.

After a good few minutes, they both broke the kiss and looked at each other. M was blushing while Professor Red was a little embarrassed of kissing him.

Professor Red: "Like I said, I love you M."

M: "I love you to."

M moved and sat next to him, laying his head on Professor Red's shoulder. M wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden he saw Professor Red holding a rose and putting it on his head. M looked up at him and saw him smiling, which M smiled before snuggling his head onto his shoulder.

Together they sat on the couch. Professor wrapping his arms around M in a comfort way as they both dozed off to sleep.


Hope you like this chapter! I tried to make it romantic but not like a date or something, but I hope you enjoy this though! And sorry for the chapter to be very short, but I couldn't come up with any ideas, and I also need to work on the next chapter. 

Request some more ships please! I'm willing to make them!

Blue, out!

Words, 900

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