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Aye thanks for the request! :)

The scene is when Sabre was welcome back into the Rainbow Kingdom after he destroyed Void. And he would have nightmares about loosing Light, due to loosing Rainbow and his other steve friends too.

(3rd POV)

Sabre was stirring in his sleep, he kept tossing and turning in his bed. He woke up all of a sudden, sweating and breathing heavily, then rubbed his head along with his hair of distress. He got up from his bed slowly not to fall since he woke up and was still tired. He walked downstairs and out of his house before heading to the Rainbow Citadel, he walked to the headquarters where Light was sorting stuff out in the chests. While heading to the headquarters, one of the colorless guards saw Sabre heading to the headquarters slowly and groggily. It confused them since they never saw Sabre up this late and in the Citadel, so they decided to help him out and take him to Light. The colorless guard guided Sabre to the headquarters to Light. They finally reached their destination and were behind Light at the entrance of the room.

Colorless Guard: "Uh Light Steve!"

Light turned around to see the colorless guard and Sabre.

Light: "Hm? Oh!"

Light saw that the colorless guard was holding Sabre, making sure he didn't fall down due to drowsiness. Light walked towards them and took Sabre away from the colorless guard's grasp.

Light: "I'll take care of Sabre. You can return back to what you were doing sir."
Colorless Guard: "Thank you Light."

The colorless guard tilted their head down to Light and left him with Sabre. Light decided to sort the stuffs tomorrow and took Sabre back to his house. After walking Sabre back to his house, Light walked into Sabre house and brought him to his bedroom and settle him down on his bed. He was about to go but Sabre grabbed his hand.

Sabre: "Don't goo Light.."

Sabre sat up and held Light's hand still.

Sabre: "Don't go.. please..."
Light: "Why?"
Sabre: "I- I had a bad dream, a nightmare.. I dreamed that you.. you died in front of me.. that- that I killed you.."

Light knowing Sabre very well, he knew that Sabre had nightmares due to the loss of Rainbow Steve and his other steve friends. He too also have nightmares about loosing Sabre, but barely. Unlike Sabre, Sabre had so many nightmares that he would stop sleeping for days which ain't good for him. Light sat down next to Sabre and rubbed his back to comfort him. Sabre put his head on Light's shoulder.

Light: "Everything will be ok, I promise you that. No one is gonna hurt you or me alright?"

Sabre just nodded.

Light: "Why don't you try and go back to sleep Sabre? It's the middle of the night and you should get some rest."
Sabre: "Noooo.... I don't want to have a nightmare again.."
Light: *Sigh* "Look, your gonna have to get some sleep, you haven't been getting enough sleep and it's getting on my nerves."

Sabre lifted his head off of Light's shoulder and looked at him.

Sabre: "Is it ok if you do something for me..? If you do it.. I'll got to sleep.. ok?"
Light: *Sigh* "Ok, as long as I do it, then you go to sleep alright?"

Sabre nodded.

Light: "Ok, so what is it you want me to do?"
Sabre: "Uhm......."

Light saw Sabre blushing a little bit.

Sabre: "C- Could you- uh- cuddle with me in bed....?"

Light could see Sabre's blushing a lot more now after saying that sentence, which also made Light's face heat up, which lead to him knowing he's blushing too.

Light: "U-Uhh... sure..?"
Sabre: "W-Wait, really?!"
Light: "Y-Yes, as long as it helps you sleep."
Sabre: "Thank you Light!"

Sabre hugged Light tightly before moving to the other side of the bed. Light got into bed with Sabre and felt really uncomfortable, since he never really cuddle or slept with anyone. It was his first time doing it. Sabre realized that it was Light first time cuddling with someone, but Sabre experience cuddling since he cuddle with Rainbow Steve who would have nightmares too. Sabre moved closer to Light, curling up into a ball while Light turned to his side and looked at Sabre. Sabre looked at Light with tired eyes. He smiled which made Light blush.

Sabre: "Heyy~ Light can we be boyfriends~?"

Light blushes a lot more. He knew Sabre was very sleepy and would say things he wouldn't know he said. He also knows a lot about him like being with Sabre and comforting him and his worse times.

Light: "I- I- Yes."

Light had no idea why he said yes all of a sudden. His feelings were like flying everywhere, butterflies in his stomach, his heart was beating fast, and he blushed more than before. Sabre chuckled and snuggled much closer to Light which Light snuggled closer to Sabre too. Sabre relaxed his muscle and fell asleep.

Light: "Goodnight Sabre, sweet dreams."

Light kissed Sabre on his forehead, ruffled Sabre's hair before wrapping his arms around Sabre in a protective way, and fell asleep with him.


Am finally done with this chapter :)

I need to stop being soooo lazy ;-;

Am so sorry if this was short, but I hope u enjoy the chapter though! :D

Words, 908

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