Introduction To Each Other

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Request from: @MctheCaikk

Ayee! Thanks for the request! :D

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Ayee! Thanks for the request! :D

(In this, SS Light Steve is able to talk. Now I think Light Steve isn't able to talk in the Steve Saga, but communicate with signs. But in this chapter, why not make him have the ability to talk)
(3rd POV)

SS Sabre and SS Light were walking in a forest, which they got lost in while exploring. They've been wandering around for sooo long.
(Hint: Sabre was bored and asked Light if he wanted to explore with him, as in a bonding 'Son and Father' trip. Which Light agreed to this 'Son and Father bonding' trip.)

SS Sabre: "Hey Light? You getting tired buddy?"
SS Light: "Yeah.."
SS Sabre: "Ok, let's take a rest!"

Both of them stopped walking and sat down underneath a tree, taking cover in the shades while the sun shines through the forest leaves, and the breeze moving the leaf's around. Sabre scavenge through his bag and inventory, not finding any food, nor materials.

SS Sabre: "Aheheh... Hey Light, do you have any food or materials that you still have by any chance..?"
SS Light: "...Please tell me you didn't pack enough..."
SS Sabre: "..Yeah...."
SS Light: *Sigh* Fine..."

Light scavenge in his bag and inventory, finding nothing but weapons and tools, which is great for defending and getting materials! But not for eating though...

SS Sabre: "So Light... Did you find anything by any chance that could help us..?"
SS Light Steve: "Yeah, some weapons and tools, apparently 2 stone swords and 1 iron pickaxe. But no food.."
SS Sabre: "That's ok! You can get materials and and I'll get the food! Then we'll build a little hut that we can sleep in tonight!"

Light looks at Sabre with his smile and hands on his hips, Light smiles back at him, knowing his dad is happy. Sabre got a sword and Light went to pick up a pickaxe.

SS Light: "Hey dad!"
SS Sabre: "Hmm?"

Sabre turned his head around to look at Light.

SS Light: "Make sure you come back before the sun is setting, and make sure you stay near this area. Don't want to get lost alone out there!"
SS Sabre: *Chuckles* Ok Light, I won't be gone for long and won't definitely be far!"

Light Steve made a camp fire so they can see the smoke rising in the air, if they're heading back. And they both went their separate ways. Sabre was walking around the forest, looking for cows, pigs, or even chickens, if he couldn't find any cows and pigs. While wondering around, he saw smoke rising in the air, for a second, he thought he went in a circle. He looked around the sky and saw their smoke from the direction he came from. Sabre realized that he and Light weren't here in the forest. At first, he thought of getting Light as quickly as possible so he can warn him, but his curiosity got the best of him, wanting to know who it was though. He decided to head to the direction where the other smoke was coming from.

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