two: who? me?

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Cheryl opened her eyes to a new day, in Italy. She loved it here during summer, British girl always felt like the air she breathes in Italy smelled like happiness. She wanted to enjoy her Friday and her first day in Italy by taking walks, drinking coffee, and eating gelato but her happy face turned into a sad frown as she remembered she couldn't do any of those things her heart is begging for her to do.

She quickly lifted her body off the bed to not make the day any harder for herself by daydreaming. She opened her luggage that was delivered to her room late last night. She didn't mind because she loved hotel robes and slippers. British girl put on an outfit consisting of a white blouse, jeans, and black stilettos. Cheryl didn't enjoy being a short girl especially next to her brother who was very tall, so she always made it a habit to wear heels. She always said, "A little bit of heels keeps you on your toes." 

After getting ready she got her black Saint Laurant Sac De Jour bag on her shoulder heading out of the hotel room. Cheryl got on the elevator and went down to the breakfast buffet which smelled so delicious even from the lobby. British girl followed the smell of well-cooked sausage to the buffet and immediately got a plateful of sausages with fries until she got interrupted by a familiar voice

"Since when do you eat like a child Cherry?" Max said looking at the plate of the certain British girl.

Cheryl turned around with haste: " Good morning to you too, I woke up nicely today, how about you?" She said with a sarcastic voice mixed with the annoyance of Max being sneaky.

"I am very sorry your royal highness, good morning." One-time world champion boy snapped back at her with the same sarcasm in his voice.

"When are you gonna stop royal stuff, you know it annoys m-" Cheryl was cut off by another British accent interruption.

The British boy was hyperventilating trying to speak, Cheryl saw the Mclaren merch on the boy when she could take a good look at him. It was obvious he ran all the way here.

"Mate, Mclaren let go of Daniel, team meeting was awkward. Come the boys are cheering him up at the table." The British boy said to Max. Max was in shock but still had the manners to invite Cheryl to their table with them. To his surprise, Cheryl wasn't behind him anymore, she was gone.

"I am not dealing with Daniel today, nope." She said to herself walking between tables to sit until she saw Blaze waving at her to come to sit with him and Christian. Cheryl made her way to the table exchanging good mornings with them.

"Daddy, did you know Daniel lost his seat?" Cheryl asked Christian. Cheryl wasn't friends with formula 1 drivers, she was always kept out of it except for the RedBull drivers she would occasionally see at gatherings but she was close with Max considering the importance of him to the team. She still wouldn't want to see Daniel without a seat next season, she was quite sad when he left Redbull too.

Christian looked up from his food to his daughter. "I heard, it is very sad really. Talented guy but he had a very unlucky career, to be honest." Christian replied to Cheryl. 

Blaze found the conversation very serious for his liking so he jumped in changing the atmosphere. "Cherry, you want to go out with me tonight? Last night you were locked up in your room, don't worry we won't take the old man tonight." Blaze said which made Christian - the old man- frown and get up from his seat.

"You won't come to the paddock with the old man then." Christian said getting ready to head towards his rental car.  Blaze jumped up from his seat. "I meant the.. the.. Cherry, what did I mean again?" Blaze asked Cheryl who wanted no part in this, eating her sausages.

"You meant dad, duh?" Cheryl said with a spice of shrug at the end which made Blaze get annoyed. "Cherry 3 seconds head start before your inevitable death." Blaze said to Cheryl. Cherry was her nickname from Blaze because he shouldn't say Cheryl when they were growing up so Cheryl gave her the nickname Berry back. When they started school together everyone thought they were twins called Cherry and Berry. Cheryl lost a year but she gained it back by skipping a year because of her great academic standing.

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