eighteen: self-report

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Cheryl took a cab to the city center and got off in front of a cute cafe where she was meeting her family. She walked towards the back garden and she smiled as she saw her father waving at her, she walked to their table and embraced her parents, and sat across from them.

"Thank you for meeting us darling, you have a hectic schedule I am sure." Geri said holding her daughter's hand over the table.

"No, I missed you guys so much. I think I got too used to being home with you guys when I went to Monaco it was horrible." Cheryl replied as her eyes scrolled through the menu.

"Blaze and Tehani definitely made it chaos I reckon, those two are crazy, Geri, I am telling you." Christian commented jokingly knowing the duo is very high maintenance compared to Cheryl. Geri joined laughing as she sipped her cappuccino.

"They always went crazy since they were little, not everybody is a golden child like our little Cher." Geri talked to her daughter making Cheryl's heart melt. She always got along with her mother better. 

Cheryl ordered a cortado and turned to her sister trying to catch up with her ever since she started boarding school she was impossible to see other than at Christmas parties. Cheryl looked confusedly at her mother seeing she is waving at someone.

"Isn't that Max with other drivers honey?" Geri asked her husband, the sight of the young driver made Christian smile. 

Cheryl got up to hug the boy approaching their table, they hugged as Cheryl saw Lando, Charles, and Charlotte sitting at the table he came from. She thought Charles would keep the drivers company while she was with her family, Charlotte definitely wasn't talked about.

"I will go say hi to others really quick." Cheryl turned to her mother as her father was speaking to the formula one driver of his team.

"Ah! You made friends. Nonsense tell them to join us, right Christian? Cheryl's friends should join us." The girl's mother tried to hint at her husband not to make a fuss over the other teams' drivers.

"Of course, come on Max invite the guys for me please." Christian said making Max look at Cheryl who was sending a definite 'don't do it' look. Max mouthed sorry as he walked to his own table and talked to the others, resulting in them coming to the Horners' table.

Lando quickly embraced the girl sitting next to her while Charles sat across from the girl and Charlotte across from Lando. Her mother was next to Charles. Max was seated other side of Cheryl concluding the new arrangement with Christian as the head.

"So you all know our Cher? One weekend yet so many people already." Geri spoke in such a motherly embarrassing way. "Ah, blondie is a big hit in the paddock." Lando joked as he rested his arm on Cheryl's chair around her shoulders. "Lando is my best friend on the paddock but he likes Berry more I reckon." Cheryl said laughing.

"Don't gas, my favorite Horner is definitely...Mr. Horner." Lando took a few seconds of pause making everyone except Charles laugh. "Someone is coming for that RedBull seat I see." Christian joined the joke, the table was now dominated by British accents.

"You two are awfully silent, I swear at this table we don't care about teams. I mean other than Lando moving to Redbull I guess, Christmas gift for Cher." Geri said laughing as she turned to the boy and the girl next to him.

"It's very nice of you guys to invite us to your table really." Charles said trying to be as polite as possible even though Horner's parents weren't aware he made love to their daughter last night and this morning. "What a geezer no need to suck up!" Lando said making Christian laugh Cheryl tried to hold her laugh so hard but Charles already was uncomfortable.

"Lando not everyone is out of whack." Charlotte said annoyed.

"Charlotte, take a chill pill, I heavily advise."  Lando said as he took a sip of his coffee. 

Everybody was sitting in the awkwardness of it all, Cheryl saw Charlotte hold Charles's hand and whisper something to him until Cheryl's parents got up to have a phone call at least that was the excuse.

"Charlotte why are you even here?" Lando asked the moment they left. "Excuse me?" Charlotte said offended. "He asked why you are here, how long until you process it and answer?" Cheryl calmly spoke as she rested her back on the chair.

"I am here with Charles, my boyfriend, why are you here? We were hanging without you until your mother had to make us befriend you." Charlotte spoke with anger.

"Charles?" Cheryl said looking dead into his eyes giving him a chance to explain before she caused chaos on this beautiful day in Milan. Charles didn't know what to say in front of the boys and took a long pause making Cheryl laugh with frustration.

"I think everybody got their answers." Charlotte spoke.

"No, actually I want to know where you were last night?" The blonde girl asked Charlotte while looking at Charles. Charles knowing what was to come signaled her no.

"I was in my hotel room, what is this now?" Charlotte answered the girl.

"Well your fake boyfriend was at our rental house fucking me, so stop acting like you guys haven't broken up for fucks sake, and shut it for once." Cheryl spotted out as sipped her coffee leaving the boys at her sides shocked.

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