twenty-eight: forcing the limits

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Horner siblings rushed to the pit wall to their father the moment they saw the two-time champion cross the checkered flag before everybody else. Christian turned around as he got off his seat to see the sight of his kids running towards him. He smiled sincerely as he embraced the two of his kids.

"Great race huh?" Christian asked with a cheeky smile on his face with the joy of the win.

"I would give it to the handsome team principal." Geri said as she walked to the group which caused Christian to place a kiss on her forehead. "Eww!" Blaze said pulling back from his father leaving only Cheryl on his father's left side.

"You should feel lucky to have parents that love each other." Geri said as she linked arms with the boy as they all walked to the parc ferme.

The moment they arrived at the front of the crowd Cheryl looked up to see Charles disappointed with his third place which caused the girl's smile to drop slightly. He scanned the crowd to see the girl he likes in the front row he couldn't help but put a smile on. After they all received their trophies they all ran to their loved ones. Max came rushing to the Horner family, after he hugged his girlfriend, giving them a big hug.

Everybody moved on to the media corner for their interviews, Cheryl was still not considering taking his father's offer which was still on the table but it made her have flashbacks to the time he tried to help with her math homework when she was seven; definitely was a traumatizing moment for the poor seven-year-old. So she and her brother was leaning to the rails as they watched the drivers answer questions from afar. 

"Will I ever hear why you are not talking to Lando?" Blaze said breaking the silence which made Cheryl get her weight back on her feet and turn her eyes to Lando's direction for a split second. Lando turns toward the girl sending her way a broken smile before getting back to his interview.

Cheryl turned her back to Lando and her face to her brother. "Telling on me to my younger brother is not as intimidating as he thinks." Cheryl said now fully turning to the empty track which was on her back behind the rails she was leaning against before. Blaze furrowed his brows turning toward the track like his sister. "Stupidest thing you ever said today and you talk a lot of nonsense to give it a scale." Blaze said as he earned a small scoff from the girl.

"You really don't think he told me because he was sad to lose his best friend and you didn't even give him an explanation Cherry." Blaze said trying to knock some sense into the girl but in return Cheryl turned to him with anger. "I am definitely not the one who is supposed to give explanations. Don't you think I am sad to lose a best friend? Well let me answer, I am terribly heartbroken and furious to be so stupid to think he was on my side. He was there for me during the day but went behind my back the very same night." Cheryl said as she stormed off with her built-up anger to get her stuff from the Redbull hospitality.

As she was walking she hit someone with her shoulder she muttered some apologies as she picked up the girl's purse off the floor and she looked up to see the last person she would want to see in any case scenario given, Charlotte. "Really? Now you are using your high school bully tactics?" Charlotte questioned the girl as she put her purse back on her shoulder. "Charlotte, I am sorry I didn't see you okay? Take the apology or leave it I do not care the slightest bit." Cheryl said ready to burst out with everything getting to her lately.

Charlotte fixed her hair as she held the blonde girl's hand. "I get your frustration with everything being the black cat in my relationship and all that but it will cause wrinkles, you are only 19, too little to understand." She spoke which made the blonde girl yank her hand away. "Too little to understand what exactly?" Cheryl questioned, she hated every remark the girl ever made with her entire heart. 

"I mean drivers are always like this. They go out and cheat and say they are breaking up with their girlfriends but when things get real they cannot let go. They need stability, they need a quiet girl who won't take the light away from them and support them all around the world. Do you really think Charles will let you run around the paddock with other drivers and be with the daughter of his rival? Huge scandal! Don't be so naive." Charlotte explained, with every sentence Cheryl felt like her stomach was being twisted, making her nauseous.

Cheryl tried to pull herself together. "I think you should be more concerned for your self-respect, it's sickening." Cheryl said as she walked away holding her stomach with the need to throw up. She tried to make it to the Redbull hospitality but she felt like her vision was blurring. Carlos saw the girl as he was getting out of the hospitality go for the second round of interviews, he rushed to the girl when he saw the state she was in. 

Cheryl hold onto him as he wrapped his arm around her waist to help her to go inside. "Don't worry I will call the medics Cher, let's go in." Carlos said as he took a step toward the Ferrari hospitality. Cheryl stopped in her tracks pulling him back with the force she barely had. "I am okay, just leave." Cheryl got her words out not wanting to go in there. "I am not leaving, come in, we will call Charles too." Carlos said as he slightly picked the girl's weight off her feet to help her in.

Carlos took the girl to Charles's driver's room. Cheryl sat on the floor as Carlos gave her a water bottle, she took a big gulp set down her phone and paddock passes off her neck. Carlos head out outside the room, Cheryl could hear him speak on the phone, it was Charles she was guessing. "Hey, I am with Cheryl right now, she isn't looking good... Yes, mate... No, I don't know what happened...  I took her to your room." Cheryl started to tune out the conversation as she felt her body getting heavy she lay on the cold floor. She got half her body up pushing herself from the floor with what she saw her eyebrow furrowed not being able to give it a meaning. 

Carlos entered the room again as he was about to speak Cheryl raised her hand shutting him up, and she got up with the last energy. She got the black lacy underwear and raised it up turning toward Carlos with tears filling up her eyes as she saw Charles running up the stairs and looking up to see her from the cracked door.


At this point, my mental health is going down with everything Cheryl is going through. Also if you are interested in this story it's now going under heavy editing so you might get notifications for old chapters. I am also working on a new story and I would be happy to get feedback or any ideas for this book as well as my new book.

love you all, izzy <3

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