seven: the fight

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Cheryl's heart stopped beating for a moment seeing Blaze's face with blood all over, she felt the time stop. Just her frozen in time and the whole world spinning around her. She quickly tried to shake the feeling of shock out of her body and ran toward the scene which made hole body tremble with fear and anxiety. Cheryl tried to pull Charles apart from Blaze with the rest of the respective team's staff.

"Charles enough!" She yelled trying to stop this madness. 

Charles looked at the girl he never felt this close in the eyes. In her deep brown eyes shining brightly in the sun and all of a sudden, he felt the rough concrete on his body. He earned a great left hook from the girl's brother and ended up on the ground. Cheryl took this moment to get between the two.

"Blaze, what has gotten over you?" The older sister yelled scolding Blaze.

"He started it, Cherry." Blaze spat out blood onto the ground as he spoke.

"Papa please." Cheryl said to Christian signaling to him to take his son away which he was already on it. The girl turned toward the boy still on the ground talking with Ferrari staff. Cheryl got down to his height offering her hand to the Ferrari driver. Which Ferrari driver simply ignored and got up himself. Horner girl just got up with a face of frown, not understanding.

"I will tell Charlotte to come." Cheryl said barely letting a sound out.

"Leave it." Leclerc said wiping his face as he started walking away. Cheryl quickly followed the boy trying to understand what just happened and why he. was acting like this to her.

"You can't treat me like this because you had a fight with my brother that I wasn't even aware of." She spoke with a hint of anger in her voice which made Charles stop on his track suddenly and turned to the girl.

"I am not ignoring you because of your brother, I am just treating you the same way you've been treating me and if you have a problem with that it shouldn't matter because as you said we aren't friends or anything in general." Charles said to the girl who was still shaking like a leaf in front of him.

"Charles-" The moment she said his name, Charles quickly cut her off.

"I need to clean up before media notices so if you excuse me." He said as he walked away leaving the girl with deep brown eyes standing in the middle of the road. 

Cheryl wanted to cry, cry so bad. She wanted to scream with frustration in the middle of everyone but she sucked it up biting her lip and walking to the Ferrari motorhome with confident steps. She entered the Ferrari motorhome as everyone looked at the girl of Rebull team principles daughter. Cheryl stopped a girl that was walking towards the door she just entered.

"Where is Charles Leclerc's room?" She asked with a firm tone which the girl just simply pointed upstairs and left in a rush. Cheryl rushed up the stair in her black platform boots and spotted a door with Charles's name and a large 16 on it. She entered the room without knocking to see the guy shirtless with a pair of white shorts he probably just changed into. She quickly entered the room closing the door behind her.

"Cheryl, what are you doing in my personal room for fucks sake?" The shirtless boy asked the girl that was trying so hard not to stare.

"I need to talk to you." Cheryl spoke trying to keep up her confidence from before, now that the boy was shirtless she could only think of inappropriate things.

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