fifteen: hustle

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Cheryl and Charles^^


Cheryl and Tehani have been working the whole evening. The things Charles said stuck with the girl, she thought about everything and realized she really wanted to share her biggest accomplishment with the people she adored. She wanted Blaze there hyping her up, she wanted her father to sit in the crowd and maybe even be proud of her. She wanted Lando to be there to crack on before the show and help her calm down. Cheryl especially wanted Charles there so she could feel the support that she never felt.

The girls have been trying to find a way to have the show earlier but it was already Monday and Cheryl's show was the closer of the fashion week so they couldn't postpone it. They had to do it earlier which was a very bad idea because venues are all booked already.

"We called every venue, everything is booked. We called the headquarters people who are still in the making of the garments and we tried to call all of the models to see a common opening but everyone is also booked. What now?" Tehani said summing up their evening.

"Okay, love the positive tone you always have." Cheryl said ironically as she got up from her seat. "Garments will be done by tomorrow and you work on the models, I will think of the venue." Cheryl also added her game plan.

Blaze was in his room the rest of the evening, after the talk, the Horner siblings shared he wanted to tone it down a bit. He was getting water from the kitchen as he eavesdropped. what the girls were saying.

"Why don't you do it outside, no venue." Blaze turned to the girls, water in hand.

"Wait what do you mean?" Tehani asked knowing Cheryl wouldn't.

"Piazza Duomo, the heart of Milan. You get a permit and you can install a runway. You will get more exposure and great scenery with the cathedral in the background. I don't know just an idea, I am leaving you two alone before you scold me." Blaze said as he was walking out of the living room.

"Sit." Cheryl simply said which caused Blaze to smile ear to ear.


 It was Tuesday morning Cheryl got up early to get an early start since her show was now officially on Thursday. She needed all the time she could get to make this happen. The trio worked until very late last night and they sent the official invitations so now Cheryl was going through her messages of close circle RSVPs. She smiled seeing the great feedback and that smile was dropped seeing her father calling.

"Hello Cheryl, got your invitations." Christian spoke with a happy tone which made Cheryl calm her heart down.

"Hello papa, are you guys coming? I have two front-row seats that will be filled with your voodoo dolls otherwise." Cheryl said jokingly.

"Ah scrap that, of course, we will be there to support our daughter, nonsense." Girls father spoke.

"Well I'm glad, kiss my darling Amelia for me please, I gots to work." She said with her thick British accent.

"Will do, see you in Milan." Christian said hanging up the phone.

Cheryl was so happy that her father wasn't mad at her anymore, the thought of making that impossible old man proud is crazy on its own. Cheryl heard the doorbell, she checked the time to see 7.45 am, who would be here this early in the morning? She got up from the island stools and headed for the door. The moment she opened it she saw a big bouquet of lilies held by a heavily jeweled hand.

"Charles?" She asked knowing those were his jewels.

"Yes, I am sorry flowers." He said as he gave them to the girl revealing his face. "Before you ask I am sorry because I didn't call before coming and it's so early in the morning but I got up for my training and saw the invitation so I couldn't stop myself from coming; and RSVPing in person. I also needed an excuse to see you too." He let out in one breath.

"You are an idiot Leclerc." The girl smiled as she hugged the boy and invited him inside as she pulled him apart. "By the way, nonstop speaking and venting are all trademarked by me so don't let it happen again." She joked as she put her flowers into a vase.

"Got it!" Charles said as he sat down on the kitchen island's stools seeing the girl's stuff there.

"Yesterday I came home and we all worked our asses off all night. and we made it happen. Thank you for the talk, Charles." Cheryl said as she walked towards the boy and sat next to him on her seat from before.

"No problem, I just genuinely want to be there for you, and people that love you deserve to be there, sharing it with you." Charles said holding the girl's hands on his lap.

"Well, I would've regretted it a lot if you haven't given me that talk so just wanted to thank." Cheryl said with a shrug.

"So how're things with Blaze? He is coming I assume? If you are on bad terms again I don't want another black eye before the race, I should go home." Charles joked around making Cheryl laugh.

"I don't know, he was fuming when I came home but Blaze always understands me somehow. He came up with a solution to our venue problem and even worked with us all night, feeling very blessed. My life is finally on the right track." Cheryl replied as she resumed her work on her laptop.

"I am glad, you and Blaze are really lucky to have each other. What did you guys argue about anyways?"He asked with curiosity. Cheryl took a long pause before getting her words together.

"Nothing, silly sibling stuff." She dismissed the question. Charles could tell the girl was lying but he didn't want to push her in her happy moment.

"So I was thinking we should head to Milan early and enjoy some alone time and we can also make sure everything is on track for the show." Charles changed the topic.

"That would be really nice Leclerc, but don't you need to train? Your race is coming up." Cheryl asked trying to calm her heart done with the thought of spending time with Charles alone in Milan.

"Well, my talent is a gift okay? I don't need intense training, I am a natural." Charles said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, definitely, I keep forgetting." Cheryl said joining Charles.

The two lovebirds turned their heads as they heard a coughing noise and a tall floppy-haired boy in the door frame walking towards the kitchen.

"Morning." Blaze said very silently and got a water bottle walking back to his room.

"Good morning Blaze, where are you going?" Charles asked seeing the boy so low. Blaze stopped in his track and turned around.

"Didn't want to disturb." Horner boy simply said.

"Nonsense, it's your house. I will head out anyways, just wanted to drop by and say I will be attending the show to Cheryl." Charles said as he got up from the stool.

"Great, I will see you then bro. Thanks for dropping by, so polite." Blaze said bro hugging the boy and then going back to his room.

"I will pick you up around 5, pack well." Charles said winking at the girl sitting by her laptop and seeing himself out.

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