forgiveness (11)

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[noon, tsukishima's new apartment room]

[noon, tsukishima's new apartment room]

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[kuroo's pov]

somethings not right. i was mostly asleep for most of it but why did kayla leave like that? maybe she's just tired or something actually happened.

i see bokuto and tsuki conspiring to each other what could've happened.

"fight???? pssssghhh! ana's so nice tho, and so is kayla! i could never see them argue. they're like besties like me and kuroo! right, bro?" bokuto playfully gave me a high-five.

but i ignored it and moved on. "anyways, kayla's not her usual cute self so somethings up."
tsuki gave me a skeptical look, "cute?"
"yeah, isn't she cute?"
tsuki raised an eyebrow and continued talking. "everytime i mention up ana, she keeps frowning. that's pretty obvious that something bad happened between them."

"OKAYYYY if they actually fight, what could have they possibly fight about? there's nothing really to fight about if you're super close like that, no?" bokuto questions.

wait? ana and kayla fighting? i didn't even process that possibility because it sounds insane that those two best friends would fight. it looked pretty serious and it seems like kayla was rather disappointed with the mention of ana so.

"hmm what if ana broke kayla's trust?" i suggested.
bokuto gasped, "ANA WOULD NEVER!"
"okay okay! what if one of them broke each other's trust? i mean, lying about something is a serious offense between friends. now that i think about it, kayla did leave last night and she came back in a bad mood." no, it makes total sense this would the case.
tsuki slyly commented, "huh, maybe you aren't empty headed as i thought."
"i surprise people." i replied.

"ah...well if that's the case..." bokuto starts to frown. "is that why ana isn't answering my texts?"
"you've been texting her?" i asked.
"yeah, i was wondering where she was cus like kayla went to find her and then i fell asleep before finding out... wHAT IF ANA'S KIDNAPPED!?" bokuto worries!

"why don't we find out?" tsuki said.
"what do you mean by that?" i raised my eyebrow.
"i dunno maybe snoop around."
"do you mean to tell me that we should spy on the girls?" i said.
"absolutely no-"
"cus i thought the same exact thing!" it's the only way to find out the truth!"

he awkwardly gave a high five back. "ok but i didn't say you should proceed to do something that's HIGHLY ILLEGAL AND COULD POTENTIALLY LAND U IN JAIL AND MAYBE A RESTRAINING ORDER."
"theyre never gonna know. it's not illegal if we don't get caught, right?" i winked.

me and bokuto set out to initiate operation besties. tsuki stayed behind cus he didn't wanna be apart of our 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒚 he claims.

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