Chapter 1

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Y/N pov

I am Y/N Parker. Peter's older sister who was put through the foster care since no one wants to adopt a troubled kid while Aunt May took Peter since she only had a small apartment. I worked with the local gang to earn some extra cash since I ran away from my last foster home. They aren't too bothered unless they get their cheque in the mail.

I was trying to save up enough money to get my own apartment. I haven't seen my Aunt May in a very long time so I am sure she has forgotten what I look like, but lucky for me I still see him when I'm in school. As I was walking to my next destination, I heard a woman scream that she had been mugged. I decided to be the good samariton and chase the mugger.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him as I tackled him to the ground. I recognised his face. "Evan?" I said giving him a chance to push me harshly before his fist landed on my face. "Fuck."

"You can't tell anyone." He said scared before he ran off empty handed. I remember him from one of my previous homes. I got up and made my way back to the woman.

"I believe this is yours ma'am." I said as I caught my breath. When I saw her face properly, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

"Thank you so much. How can I repay you?" She asked me with a bright smile.

"It's ok." I waved her off before I tried to walk away.

"At least let me clean up your eye and buy you coffee." She said sweetly as she grabbed my wrist to keep me from moving away. All I could do was nod before I let her lead me to a coffee shop nearby. "You grab a table and I will get a first aid kit and what coffee would you like?"

"Just a black coffee would do. Thank you." I said with a smile before watching her walk away. I hadn't seen her around here before so she is either visiting or new. As I was wondering what one was the right answer she came back and sat beside me. I watched as she unwrapped the alcohol wipes before she gripped my jaw making me face her. I watched her as she concentrated on what she was doing before I winced when the alcohol made contact with the cut.

"Sorry." She mumbled before she blew on it to soothe the pain. I gave her a small smile before she had finished and cleaned up the mess. When she was finished she picked up her cup and took a sip.

"Thank you." I told her as I started to drink my own. My eyes found hers again, studying me.

"I'm Wanda." She whispered as I admired the shade of green in her eyes

"Y/N." I told her as she smiled at me.

"I would say it is nice to meet you but the circumstances not so much." She cringed as she scrunched her nose cutely.

"Well it certainly is a meeting to remember." I smirked making her chuckle shyly.

"I have heard stories about how bad the crimes can be here but I never thought it would actually happen." She said quietly as she looked down

"So are you new here?" I asked her as I watched her every move.

"Yeah. My husband was head of the some sort of interface department at Stark tech based in Boston but he got transferred here." She said and it is just my luck that she is married and an older woman. But do I care about the age? No I do not.

"So you're not too keen on the relocation?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"I was happy at my old job, I had my students and my boys had their friends too." She sighed sadly.

"Once you get used to it here, it's not that bad." I reassured her making her smile.

"It's already looking up already." She whispered with a soft smile making me feel a jittery inside. We were both interupted by her phone going off. "Shoot. I'm sorry but I have to go and pick the boys up from day care." She said as she rushed to get all of her things together. "Thank you for helping me."

"It's no problem. Thanks for the coffee Wanda." I said as I stood up and followed her outside. I watched as she walked away through the crowd of people. I hoped that one day I would see her soon. I remembered that I still have my job to do and made my way towards Hell's Kitchen, since Thomas Ryder was on my hit list. He owes the KingPin a lot of money and I have been told to retrieve a payment, either in the form of paper or blood. I made my way up the fire escape of the building. I smashed the window and made my way to his apartment and knocked. I only had to wait a moment for him to open it.

"Hey Tommy." I greeted him as I pushed my way inside his apartment.

"I haven't got it." He said shakily as he closed the door.

"Don't even think about it Tommy." I told him as I turned around to face him and saw he had his hand reaching for his small 45. that he has taped under the table by the door. "I thought we had a connection and you were going to shoot me." I said as he backed away and his back hit the door.

"No. I wasn't. I." He stuttered out as I approached him.

"You know, I am in a generous mood today. I'm not seeing the KingPin until Saturday so you have two days to get the money or you will have to deal with the not so generous side of me." I told him as I took his gun and chuckled at it. "The perfect weapon for a woman." I smirked as I put in the waist of my jeans and covering it with my shirt before giving him a smile and walking out, leaving him a terrified mess until Saturday. I made my way to my well, I wouldn't call it home since I am staying with a deaf man who kindly took me in. I went to my room and put the gun with the cash under my floor boards before heading out to the kitchen to make Jimmy and I a sandwich. I haven't really had a family while growing up but Jimmy is the most family that I have had since I lost my parents. He doesn't ask me questions about anything and there is always privacy when I make phone calls. But he has grown on me even though this arrangement was supposed to be just temporary. I just wish that I had my real family sometimes but that is completely out of my hands.


The first chapter of my new book. The first time doing a teacher x student book. Let me know what you guys think so far.

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