Chapter 5

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Y/N pov

I couldn't believe that my new teacher lives in the same building as me, let alone right next door. I have heard her and her husband argue a lot and I honestly feel bad for her. She deserves so much better than that bastard. They all do. She works hard and she practically raises her two boys on her own which makes her a strong woman in my eyes. I decided to take a little detour to school today and see if the King Pin had anything for me. I am getting very bored. 

"I wasn't expecting you here kid." He said as he looked up from his paperwork. 

"I am getting very bored and I want something to do." I told him as I sat across from him.

"Well, Chuck Shirley owes me some money. He was supposed to pay me back a while ago but obviously he is being a little stingy. So I need you to go to Shirley's Bar on 37th and get it for me." He said as I nodded. Thanks to him, I learned how to be intimidating so I don't really need to rough him up. That's if they are quite easy. If not then the fun starts.

"I'll swing by later with it." I told him as I stole a cigar and snipped the end and lit it before I left as I heard him laugh at me. Usually if someone took one of his Cubans he would literally shoot them on the spot but with me, he just lets me. He is the closest thing to a father figure I have had my whole life, where as Jimmy is family but more like the deaf uncle.

I walked towards the bar in question and let myself in and saw a short man with a scruffy beard. I sat on a stool and watched as he done his thing before he finally noticed me. I gave him a smile before I spoke. 

"Are you Chuck Shirley?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, who's asking?" He asked me, irritated by my presence.

"The KingPin wants his money." I told him as I stood up. I watched as he shrunk under my gaze as he avoided looking me in the eyes. "And he wants every penny back now."

"I haven't got it right now." He said as he was trembling. I took out my snub 45. and watched as he was scared of what I could do next. 

"Well I suggest you find it." I started as I pointed the gun towards him. "You have until 12am to come up with it or you will be having a very personal visit. I haven't quite decided what I should start with. My fists or that beautiful aluminium baseball bat behind the bar." I smirked as I could see him start to slowly pee his pants. "I will be back at 12am before last call." I told him as I put the gun away and started to walk away smirking. I had him right where I wanted him. He is going to fold and give me everything. They always do.

Wanda's pov

After dropping the kids off at school, I quickly made my way to work. I couldn't wait to see Y/N again but on the other hand, I can. Especially after that extremely hot daydream that I just cant get out of my head. I had my lesson plans sorted out for the day as one of the gym teachers came around. 

"Hey you must be Wanda Maximoff. I James Buchanon Barnes but everyone just calls me Bucky." He introduced himself as he held his hand out for me to shake. I don't know why but I felt nervous. Like he has some ulterior motive. 

"It's nice to meet you." I replied quietly as I removed my hand from his and got back to sorting through my work for the day. 

"If you would like we could go and have dinner sometime?" He asked me with a weird look. "You know just the two of us?" He pressed on as he leant over the desk. 

"I'm married." I told him as I shown him my ring. He looked disappointed and apologetic as he stood back away. 

"I'm so sorry Wanda. I didn't know." He said softly as he made his way to the exit. I watched with a small smile as he left before the class started to file in. I noticed that someone was late which is unusual. When she then walked through the door I just gave her a hard look. 

"Miss Y/L/N you're late. Please see me after school." I told her sternly as she just nodded at me. Thankfully she wasn't making this hard on me. So I decided to carry on with my lesson and gave them all a project. I gave them the task of comparing Van Gogh to Picasso. I wanted to see their own takes on the different artists and their techniques. I watched as Y/N watched and listened very intently and I could feel my legs go weak under her gaze and now she is meeting me her after school. Fuck how am I supposed to control myself around her. Especially with how she looks today. 


Just a filler guys. Let me know what you guys think will happen next. 

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