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Y/N and Wanda were both laying in bed one night after their confessions. Wanda was drawing random shapes on Y/N's stomach. Enjoying each others warmth.

"Where do you see us in five years?" Wanda asked her as Y/N looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Well, I see us living in LA. Near your family of course. The four of us in a house with a garden. Big enough for a trampoline and a soccer net." Wanda smiled as she listened to Y/N speak. "I see you being happier than you are now. Being near your family. The twins being near them. I would have finished college hopefully and have a job. Coming home to my beautiful woman and awesome kids. Maybe adopt the boys if that is what all of you wanted. Maybe a porch with a porch swing. I've always wanted one of those."

"I want all of that too." Wanda whispered as she leaned up to kiss Y/N on the lips.

Wanda walked through the house, waking the twins and Winnie up for their breakfast. She had bought the house that Y/N had described. The walls filled with family pictures of all of them. Even Y/N's picture was everywhere.

She made sure that Winnie knew who her Mama was. The twins even shared stories with her about their time with her.

Wanda still missed Y/N dearly, but as the years went by, it got easier to live with. She still had her life to live. She still had Billy, Tommy and Winnie to live for. Live the life that Y/N had wanted for them.

Once all of the kids were asleep, Wanda found herself in the back garden looking up at the stars. She found comfort of the starry nights. Finding it easy to talk to Y/N. Whenever she wanted to.

"We did it Y/N." Wanda whispered. "We are living that life we wanted. In the house we dreamed of. The only thing that is missing is you." She wiped the stray tear that fell. "I just wish we had runaway when we had the chance before it all went to shit. I do. We would be here raising the kids together. You and I. It is always supposed to be you and I. Together." She sighed as she looked ahead towards the trampoline and soccer net. She had done it all to the way Y/N described. Y/N dreamed. "I just wish you were here and I know that is impossible. I do love to believe that you are with me. Guiding me. I like to believe that."

Wanda found comfort in her nightly talks with Y/N. Although they mainly consisted of a one way conversation.

As the years went on, she went outside less and less. She had also met someone. They were everything to her but they would never replace the love she had for Y/N. Y/N was her epic love.

Steve was a gentleman. He cared for her but they also shared their grief. Steve lost his wife Peggy too soon just like Wanda. They bonded over their loved ones. They understood each other. Wanda also gave him a family. The two were extremely happy.

Even as the years went on, and they married. Wanda never removed her rings from Y/N. They remained on the same finger they were placed on all those years ago.

It's like as they say.

Your first love hurts. (VISION)

Your second love breaks you. (Y/N)

Your third love builds you back up. (STEVE)

And she felt whole again. There wasn't anything missing and she mourned Y/N. Yes she still got heartbroken on their anniversary and Winnie's birthday. The day that Y/N should have been there to celebrate with her.

Y/N was robbed of the wonderful moment of holding her daughter on the day she was born. Winnie was robbed of ever knowing her. Although Wanda had their names changed when Winnie was born. The four of them were known as the Parker-Maximoff's. She wanted to have a piece of Y/N with them.

Even Steve never pressured her into changing her name to his. She kept her name. The only thing besides the ring and the hoodie of Y/N's she still had.

But life went on. Wanda moved on without forgetting her Epic Love Affair.


And that is the end. Please let me know what you think

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