Chapter 9

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Y/N pov

Tonight I was having my first shift at the bar since King Pin doesn't want me out in the field anymore. Luckily enough the injury wasn't a bad one so I didn't need doctors. The only problem was Wanda seeing it. So I was dressed in a red shirt and black tie as I stood behind the bar. I was serving drinks to plenty of sleezy men who were only here for one thing. 

"Can I get 4 shots of Tequila?" I heard her voice. "Y/N?" She said shocked that I was going to be here. 

"Wanda hey." I greeted her as I got the shot glasses and poured each one. 

"Aren't you a little too young to be working here?" She whispered as she leaned over the bar slightly to whisper it in my ear.

"I have no idea who this Y/N is that you're referring to." I smirked as I started to make other customers their drinks. "Who has the boys?" I asked her as she watched me closely.

"Vision has them. I am here with a couple of the teachers from school." She told me before she gave me a hard stare. "You still owe me an explanation." She raised her brow at me making me smirk.

"Well I get off soon." I told her honestly as she gave me a smile. 

"I will  be waiting." She said as she walked away. I couldn't help but watch as she did. I was in awe of her truly. She was an amazing woman. 

After an hour, my shift had ended. King Pin didn't want me to work after 11pm apparently for my own safety. I found Wanda waiting for me by the bar and approached her. 

"So, where do you suggest we have our talk then?" I asked her as she grabbed my hand and led me outside. She started to pull me in the direction of our apartment complex. 

"We are going to your place." She told me. Luckily Jimmy will be asleep right now. She held onto my arm all the way there and we felt like a proper couple for the first time. When we got my apartment, she looked around at all of the records that Jimmy and I had. "All of these yours?" She asked me as I just nodded in a reply. 

"We've collected them over the years." I told her with a shrug.

"You speak very highly of him." She whispered as she turned to look at me. 

"He's my family. This home is the first foster home I have been to that actually does feel like home." I told her honestly. "He doesn't care that I am different. He just cares about me." She stepped closer to me as she started to play with my tie.

"So where is your room?" She whispered against my lips.

"I thought we were talking." I asked with a smirk as she bit her lip as we walked to my room.

"Oh we are." She spoke as I opened my bedroom door. "I just want some alone time with you longer than stolen kisses in the hallway." She whispered as she pushed me down on the bed and straddled my lap. "So how did you hurt your shoulder?" She asked as she undone my tie before she made quick work on the buttons of my shirt.

"My job." I told her.

"So you hurt yourself in the bar?" She asked with her tilted. 

"No, it was last week when I used to do social calls for KP. Since the incident he told me he didn't want me out in the field anymore so he put me behind the bar. He knows I need the money." I told her as I played with the hem of her white t shirt.

"Why? Doesn't Jimmy give you allowance?" She asked me confused.

"I am saving up for my own place." I told her. Trying to be as vague about the truth as possible. I didn't want her to know the real work that I did for KP. I don't want to bring him any unwanted attention.

"What about college?" She whispered as she pushed me down on the bed before taking her shirt off. My eyes trailed down her torso, admiring the silky smooth skin.

"I uh I don't think I'll be going." I told her honestly.

"Why not?" She asked as she took off her bra. As soon as it hit the floor, all thoughts evaded my mind as it filled with her. I sat up and pulled her in for a bruising kiss. Both of us sighing at the skin contact.

Wanda's pov

The feel of her skin on mine was electric. I felt alive as her lips started to roam my skin. My heart was beating fast as a pulled her back up.

"Just fuck me please." I begged her. "I have needed you for so long. Please just fuck me." I looked in her eyes which were blown with lust. She kissed me hard as her hands roamed my skin until they made quick work of my jeans before removing them with my underwear before she made quick work of her own.

She reached over for a condom and I took it from her and put it on for her. This feeling inside of me taking over all of my morals. I didn't care right now that I was cheating on Vision. I didn't care that I was feeling adored by someone who wasn't my husband.

I moaned as she kissed my skin lightly, making sure not to leave any marks as she inserted her length into my aching core. I held on to her shoulders as I wrapped my legs around her waist. The feeling between us both was ethereal. I have never felt like this with anyone before.

I pulled her face to my own as she continued her movements. Her eyes gazed in my own lovingly. She leant down and kissed me sensually as she increased her movements and reangled her hips. Hitting a very promising spot within making my lips unresponsive to her kisses so instead she swallowed my moans.

"I'm so close." I breathed against her lips. Her own movements were getting sloppy.

"Me too." She grunted as she continued as I gazed into her eyes as I fell over the edge. When she helped is both ride out our highs she pulled out and lay beside me.

"Can you hold me?" I asked her barely above a whisper

"Of course." She gave me a soft smile as she wrapped her arms securely around my naked form. The care I am receiving from her is different to what I have ever had before. I sighed in content as she kissed the top of my head. "If I could freeze this moment, I would do it in a heartbeat." She whispered making me smile.

"Me too." I smiled up at her before pressing a tender kiss to her lips. Before it could go further, I heard my phone go from my jeans pocket, and I saw Vision's caller ID. "And now back to the real world." I sighed as I stood up followed by Y/N.

"When would we be able to do this again do you think?" She asked me with hopeful eyes.

"I don't know. Tonight was a fluke because the girls asked if I wanted to join them but I will try ok. We will be together again." I whispered before I kissed her softly as I slowly made my way back to my apartment. The boys are the only people keeping me in this apartment. Maybe I can build up enough courage to divorce the man I don't know anymore.


Finally a chapter guys. Please let me know what you think

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