Chapter 2

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Y/N pov

Saturday came around and I was ready to go and pay Tommy a visit before I go to the KingPin. So I casually made my way to his apartment and knocked. He answered it quickly letting me inside. I watched him go to his kitchen and get something out of a cupboard. 

"It's all there. Every penny." He said quietly making me smile. "No. I need to keep some to live." 

"Well I am sure that you can go back to that underground poker joint and try to win some more." I smirked at him. I watched as he squirmed and gave me another few hundreds which I pocketed. "Thank you Tommy boy." I told him with a smile before I patted his back and walked out. I made my way to Pretty Pink. The KingPin's club to give him the money and to see what he wanted me to do next. The guards let me straight inside as to the back office. 

"So?" He asked me as he took a puff of his cigar. I placed the money on the table before taking a seat and a cigar that he had offered me. "You know kid, you never fail to amaze me." He told me with a smile. "You remind me of myself when I was younger. Never take any shit or get blood on our hands but are never afraid if we need to." 

"Well I did learn from the best." I said as I put the lit cigar between my teeth.

"Damn right you did." He boomed as he slammed the table. "But you still have a lot to learn which can wait so go home and relax before you start school on monday. It's your last year isn't it." He said as I nodded. "Any plans for after?" 

"None yet." I told him with a shrug.

"Well you need to think kid. You have a bright future, as much as I love having you here working for me you deserve to have a good life." He said as he sat forward. "Don't waste your life wondering if you are going to be alive tomorrow."

"You got it boss." I said as I stood up to leave. 

"Here take this." He said as he threw a roll of bills on the table. "You've earned it kid."

"Thanks." I said before I left with the bills in my pocket. I walked around Central Park for a while while I had a smoke walking up to a coffee cart. I noticed a certain brunette stood in the cue and decided to walk up to her. "It seems we're always getting coffee together." I whispered in her ear making her jump and hit me across the chest with her bag. 

"My god Y/N. You frightened me." She said as she tried to regulate her breathing. 

"Hi." I said sweetly making her chuckle and smile. 

"How is your eye?" She asked me as we stood together in the cue.

"It's ok. I've had worse before." I said with a shrug and before she could answer I paid for our coffees and handed her hers. 

"That was very sneaky Y/N." She giggled as we walked to a nearby bench that gave us the perfect view of the climbing frame. 

"So what are you doing here?" I asked her with a smile which she returned.

"I am here with the twins before we all start school on Monday." She told me as she pointed out her two boys. "Why are you here alone?"

"Well, I just like to walk around here sometimes. It helps clear my head." I told her as I watched her eyes scan over my face trying to read me.

"Well it is a beautiful place." She whispered as my eyes flashed towards her lips as she spoke.

"Not as beautiful as the company though." I replied as I could feel the both of us leaning in. Our lips almost touching. 

"Mama!!" We heard a little boy shout as we both jumped apart. Wanda stood up to catch a running child and picked him up. 

"What's up Tommy?" She asked him softly.

"I'm tired." He said as he rested his head on her shoulder. 

"Well let's get your brother and we will go home." She told him. "I'm sorry but we have to go."

"No that's ok. I'll see you around." I told her with a smile as she gave me a shy smile before I walked away. 

Wanda's pov

Ever since moving here, I hated it. Leaving my family and friends back in LA just to relocate for Vision's career. Getting a new job in a new school and getting mugged. All in the first week of being here. And it is infuriating. Other than meeting Y/N, my hero but I can't believe I almost kissed her. While my boys were playing in the park. What the hell is wrong with me. But I can't help it, getting the butterflies everytime I see her. The excitement. 

I was soon woken from my thoughts when we reached our apartment building. You would have thought that he would have gotten a house but he wanted to be closer to work. I mean we have the money to get a house but he doesn't want to. But there is one loud neighbour next door which is extremely annoying. When we walked inside our apartment, the twins went straight to the tv as I went to prepare dinner for the four of us. 

As the stew was cooking, I noticed the answering machine had a couple of messages, so I clicked play on them. 

"Hi, Mrs Maximoff, it is Headmaster Romanoff here. We look forward to working with you here at Midtown Tech. I look forward to personally making your acquaintance at 7.30am in my office."

"Hi Wanda darling, we have a slight hiccup with one of the mainframe firewalls here and I am going to be late. Please don't wait up for me or cook for me. Tony's ordering something here. I love you and kiss the boys goodnight for me."

I groaned knowing that this is what it is going to be like. Vis out at work til early hours in the morning since him and Tony used to be roommates. Why can't I have a simple life were my husband actually wants to spend time with me. This is completely stupid.


The second chapter, Y/N and Wanda keep bumping into each other and an almost kiss. Let me know what you guys think

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