Chapter 7

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Wanda's pov

When I had gotten home, I was fuming because he seems to do this all of the god damn time. His work will always come before me and the boys. As soon as I walked through the door I remembered that Billy and Tommy weren't even here, they were at a sleepover.

"What did you need Vis." I asked him sternly. 

"I was wondering where the boys were?" He asked me confused by their absence. 

"They're having a sleep over with their friends." I told him as he followed me into the kitchen. 

"And you didn't think to run it by me first." He raised his voice at me. 

"I didn't think I needed to since you know I am their mother. I birthed. I am practically raising them on my own!" I shouted at him clearly getting angry with him. "I don't need your permission for making decisions regarding the boys. I am here with them while you are off playing good ole college times with Stark!"

"No I am not. I am trying to make some more money for our family!" He shouted. 

"We were perfectly fine in Boston. We were near my family and now you uproot the four of us and now we are here." I told him. I hated him for this decision because I had missed my parents and brother. I wanted to be near them. I wanted them to be able to see the boys grow up.

"You know what Wanda, I am going to the office. Don't wait up." He shouted at me as he walked out and slammed the door. 

"FUCK!" I shouted before I slouched back on the sofa before I heard a knock on the door. 

Y/N pov

I heard the arguing and I knew that Wanda maybe needed someone to talk to, so I decided to take the six pack that we had in the fridge and knocked on her door after I knew that he was gone. I waited patiently for her to answer and when she did, it broke my heart to see her like this. She was on the defence now because of how he treats her. She let me in and I looked around the place. You wouldn't think that a family lives here. 

"I thought you might want some company." I told her as I held the beers up as she stood and watched me. 

"Why?" She asked me as I gave her a soft smile. 

"Because I actually care about you Wanda. And I want to keep seeing that smile on your face and not see him suck the happiness out of you." I told her as I opened two bottles and handed her one. 

"You should leave Y/N." She whispered as she gestured towards the door. I just shook my head and put some music on lowly on my phone. 

"No. I am staying." I told her softly as I held my arms open for her which she didn't waste no time in sinking into my embrace. "I am going to be here so you have someone to talk to about your problems and I am going to listen. If I have some advice I'll give it you if not I'll just hold you." I whispered as she hugged me tighter. "So why don't we get to know each other a bit more yeah." I asked her as she pulled away and looked up at me with a smile and nodded. She led me over to the sofa as we both sat down. 

"So what do you want to know?" She asked me as she took a sip of her beer. 

"Anything and everything you want to tell me." I told her with a warm smile. I listened as she went on about her family back in Boston, her old home and her garden that she had there. She is a family orientated person and I admire that about her. 

"What about you? What about your family?" She asked me as I gave her a tight lipped smile before finishing my beer and opening another. 

"My parents passed away when I was four. Car accident and ever since then I have bounced from home to home until I landed with Jimmy. He is amazing and the only family I have really." I told her as the bottle became very interesting. I felt her hands wrap around it and remove it from my grasp and place on the coffee table. She looked at me softly before she spoke. 

"We never really got to finish what we started earlier." She whispered as she started to move closer. I could feel myself being drawn in by her too.

"And how would it have finished?" I asked her as she smirked before she cupped my cheeks and  pulled my lips to hers in a rough kiss. My hands found their home at her hips as she moved to straddle my lap. When I could feel her grinding on me as our tongues danced together, I felt myself getting harder and I pulled away. "There's something else?" I said quietly as I played with the hem of her jumper. 

"What's wrong?" She asked me tilting her head. 

"I am intersex." I whispered in the space between us slightly embarrassed to say it louder. She just smiled and pulled me back in again. The kiss was more passionate before, less hungry and lustful. As I slipped my tongue passed her lips she started to grind again on my growing bulge. It wasn't until I came back to my senses, as much as I wanted this, I couldn't do it when she was emotionally vulnerable. So I pulled away and she gave me a confused look. "We can't do this Wanda." I told her as I rubbed her thighs tenderly. 

"Why?" She asked me as she started to get off of my lap.

"Because you have had an argument with your husband. The father of your kids. Your emotions are all over the place right now and it would make me a shitty person if I let you do it." I told her honestly. "And believe me, I want to do it because you are sexy as fuck." I told her with a smirk as she just nodded. 

"Thank you." She whispered when she looked in my eyes. 

"You don't need to thank me Wanda. I want to be that person you can come to even when life gets hard on you and you just want someone to hold you." I told her as she caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes loving the feeling of safety it brought me. 

"How are you so mature?" She whispered in the space between us. 

"I had to grow up fast. I brought myself up." I told her honestly. "And I have seen my fair share of bad relationships in my previous homes." I told her as she nudged her nose against mine. 

"I want you to hold me." She whispered against my lips before I pressed a soft kiss to them. 

"Then I will hold you whenever you want me to." I told her as she leaned into me and I wrapped my arms around her hoping to let her know that she will always be safe with me. 


Don't worry guys, there will be some smut coming up. It just didn't feel right in this chapter. Let me know what you think

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