Chapter 3

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Both girls stood looking in the mirror. Felicity was wearing a short red halter top dress that showed off her lean legs while Peyton wore a black and white pantsuit.

"We look hot," Felicity said.

"You look hot, I'm trying to look comfortable. Remember, Tom's engaged."

Felicity gave her a side glance. "You keep saying that. Is that to remind you not to fall for him because I think it's already too late."

Peyton blushed. "I won't lie. I wish he wasn't but since he is, I'll just enjoy his company and friendship."

"Yeah, sure."

Felicity grabbed her car keys as they jumped in the car and headed to the club. Peyton was nervous. She kept reminding herself that he had a fiancée because if she let herself, she would fall hard for him.


I can't believe I'm doing this, Felicity said to herself. How in the hell is she going to function talking to Tom freaking Hiddleston? "Pey. I don't think this is the best idea. What if I make an ass out of myself?" Felicity has panic in her voice.

"You're going to be fine. For crying out loud celebrities are in your clubs all the time. This one and Endgame in New York, Trio in LA and the one in London soon. You're my bad ass bitch. I'm supposed to be the shy one. What's up with you right now?" Peyton had never seen her dear friend act like this before.

"I know that Peyton but this is Tom Hiddleston! I named my clubs after Marvel movies for fuck's sake! How in God's name are you so calm right now? You're like the queen of the Hiddlestoners!" Felicity is trying to breathe.

"Felicity, he doesn't know that. Relax. Please make sure not to tell him you call me that." Peyton says laughing wondering if this was a good idea. Seeing how she is reacting now. She may faint when she sees Chris. Felicity has had a crush on him for years. Hence the names of her clubs. A nod to her "Man" she always said. She may not be laughing soon. Peyton had a feeling she may have a sore arm from getting a punch later. She giggles to herself.

"You're right. I can do this. It's not like he'll be paying any attention to me. I mean look at you. Hot as always. Fiancé or not I know you. The first chance you get you'd climb him like a tree. With all your texting it seems he may let you." Felicity's giggle fills the doorway to her club as Peyton smacks the back of her head playfully. God Peyton loves this bitch.

"Good evening, Miss Carter." The doorman hugs Felicity. She greets him back just as warmly.

"Don't you find it weird how you want to be Captain America's real-life Peggy and that's your last name?" Peyton laughs.

"The irony isn't lost on me or anyone that knows me. Trust me." She hands their coats off to the coat check girl. Sighing internally. What she wouldn't give to be that man's real-life Peggy. Thanking her for coming in at the last-minute, handing her a hundred-dollar bill.

"You're so good to your employees Felicity. They are lucky to work for you." Peyton says.

"Our lives weren't always so grand, remember? It took us both lot of work to get where we are now. You with your laptop in the kitchen. Me as a server. When I met you, life just kept getting better. Then meeting Tye." Felicity's smile drops.

Peyton rubs her back. "He's so proud of you. I know I am." She tries to comfort her.

The hurt of losing him still takes over, even five years later. A drunk driver killed Tye. Whose Daddy had money so he got off, until Felicity took them for everything. With it, she finished this club. Started the one in New York. Their dream. All her clubs have a strict policy on over serving because of it. You drink too much, they call you a ride. No one impaired leaves driving. No exceptions. You get caught; you're banned. Because of this they have become popular. People have a chill environment to have a night out. Not having to worry about drunken fools. The Boston police loved it because it made their job easier. They respected her so they made sure to keep her and her staff safe. Same in New York and LA. Contributing to the communities surrounding them led to many prominent men and women walking through her doors. Some she hated they did. Using her policy to shut them off as soon as possible. No one was above her rules. No matter who they thought they were. Celebrities started patronizing, knowing they would have some anonymity. Only on a rare occasion she couldn't talk to easily. Like in New York last week when Sebastian Stan came in. Calling her two girls right away, they teased her shyness. It's been a great four years. Well not great. Tye being gone Felicity felt like she's meant to be alone. She has her mom, brothers, dog, and girls. There're really lonely times though. The three dates she went on were disasters. Peyton's here now so time to enjoy company. Push the sad thoughts away.

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